Page VII Chapter II: I'm Different?

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During the game Luz looks to me, asking the last final two questions of the day, "If you go to bed will you enter back to the other world? Back in Arcadia? Also, what is your name?"

"James." I tell her.

I answer since some where in my mind, I've pondered this exact question, "It may be so, since I wasn't conscious of getting here in the first place. Maybe, I have the power to create portals."

She replies that it is impossible, then asks one of the others if it is possible. The lady who had the wings just shrugs.

The dark skin guy talks, "The collector recreated the door. It is possible that this guy could be the same as the collector." But Luz shoots down that idea.

"What is everyone's names? If I may ask?" I say, since it has been really bugging me.

They start pointing out each other and saying names.

Person I spoke to at the tree, is Gus; The purple haired girl, is Amity; The lady who had the wings, is Eda; The one next to her who also has the same ability concerning the wings, is her sister Lilith; That the blond one, is Hunter; The blue haired girl, who I have already met, is Willow; That the girl with a mixture of green and blue hair, is called Vee; That the small black creature with a white head, is called King and that he is a titan, the same creature that lies as the Boiling Isles; The all of a sudden, this wiggly, annoying sounding, creature waves about, saying that it called Hootie, that he is Lilith's best buddy. Luz cuts in and states that I have met her and her actual mother. Eda chimes in saying she's her surrogate mother while she was stuck on the Boiling Isles, in the Demon Realm.

Why is it called the Demon Realm? What is a Demon?

I choose to stop thinking any further, since the word doesn't feel right.

After a while of more games, Luz then asks if we could get to bed, since it is late. I nod and agree. I then ask who's place am I going to sleep at and I remind them that I don't actually have a place to sleep.

They speak between each other and come to a conclusion, "You could sleep here, since the boiling isles is a bit much for you at the moment. Since it took me a while to get used to." Luz says.

I agree to sleeping here in this realm, the human realm. Everyone starts to say their goodbyes, but Gus suggests to Hunter that us three could have a sleep over and get to know each other. I think about it and I agree to that too. Apparently, Luz's mother Camila has an objection to that suggestion and speak out, "You better not make too much noise, I have a shift tomorrow."

Gus states that we could watch a quiet movie. Then the two, Hunter and Gus, start fanboying about a new movie they want to watch. I suggest that I should have the couch if that is what is going to happen.

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