Page VI Chapter II: I'm Different?

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"What is the other dimension, Arcadia, like? Do you know how you went from the one world to the other? And how do you look so young whilst being old? Also, did you dream before waking up?" He asks with a spark in his eyes.

He's a curious one isn't he. That could be seen as annoying. Oh, that is a new word too. My memories are still slowly coming back.

I tell him, "Both dimensions are almost the same in regards to being human and having some resemblance to having weird creatures." I start answering his questions slowly, "A portal is probably how I got here - My family genetics are why I still look young regardless of being fairly old, I think." I cut myself to answer his other question, "No, I didn't have a dream before waking up." To which I also ask him a question, "Why is it called the boiling isles?"

"It is called the Boiling Isles because the ocean is boiling hot." He answers, but with out missing a beat, he continues one last time, "What did the creatures look like?"

I sigh, "They were, not all, dark coloured rock trolls. Big and scary looking."

"Ok, I am done. Will you come back with me to the house? Don't stress, I'll tell them what you told me. Just so you don't have to say it again. If I get something wrong, don't hesitate to correct me." He states, asking me to come with him.

We both walk back. Reaching the door, he knocks and the door opens a second after. Letting us in, they offer me a seat. One of them wants to ask me a question but the person I was with just shakes his head, asking them to ask the questions to him instead. After a while though, they start having new questions. Like what is my favourite colour or what not, but I tell them I don't remember.

Time passes and someone brings out a board game, everyone except me start playing.

Watching them working similarly to a family, I wonder if I had any. A feeling sits at the bottom of my heard and the thoughts run around without consent, I could have had a family. I am old enough, maybe that is why I remember seeing a secondary portal opening. Wait... Where did that thought come from? Did I really think that. Have a finally reached the unlocking of all my memories. No, I don't remember anything else. I notice my eyes widen at the thought and I feel more refreshed knowing that there could have been a portal for a family I don't remember having.

A cup is placed in front of my face and my thoughts are cut off completely. I reply with thanks as I grab the cup and saucer. I notice the term I've used and I act as normal. I don't want to constantly be surprised every time I remember something new. It feels too exhausting to form facial features and have my heart jump for glee every time. The... Something... What ever touched my shoulders, it told me to have peace and keep calm, right? So I guess that is where I need to start.

Nervousness arises within me nonetheless. I am still missing something. Something big. I think - No, I should just relax my mind and think of nothing more. If being relaxed could help me, then relaxed I shall be.

More people arrive and I can feel the room becoming cramped again. I lift my legs up, with my knees to my chest and I stay sat like that. Feeling less cramped because of it.

Some bad feelings flood back and believe I am nervous again, but I ignore them to feel relaxed.

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