Page II Chapter III: New Purpose

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I turn the bath tap and the shower turns on. With another turn, of a different tap, the water goes warm and then hot. I then let the water run for a second, while I take off my clothes. Once the warm clothes are off, I step into the hot water and shift the curtain to the side, blocking me and the water from the rest of the room. 

Firstly, I rinse myself completely and wash my body with the water. Secondly, I grab the soap and completely cover myself with the soaps oils. With my body all slippery, I stand under the showers raining water and I wash off all the soap whilst scrubbing my body with my hand. Closing my eyes, I wipe it down with the soapy water.

Reopening my eyes, I close the taps and step out of the shower onto a white bath mat.

At least my memories of everyday things have come back, rooms, clothes, furniture, foods and drinks. Etiquette and manners. I think...

I grab a towel out of the top cupboard and I dry myself off completely, from top to bottom.

Then from the clothes pile I placed on the toilet seat, I slowly dress up. Putting on clothing piece by clothing piece, with the shoes being the last bit of clothing. I look in the mirror, "This looks alright."

I now wear: Black, trouser jeans; Navy blue, long sleeve shirt; Grey patterned, trainers; Green striped, socks; A dark red jumper, with a white rabbit on the back.

What do I do next? Placing my hand on my face and the other under my elbow, I try to think but it's blank. I don't know why I thought that would work, I can't remember much so why would trying to think actually work. That is when it occurs to me. Would Barbra know? Should I ask her on what to do next?

So that's what I do. Opening the main door, I quickly walk down the stairs. I look around but Barbra isn't here. Should I go look for her? Maybe not - She is probably at work.
Is this a reason for me to go into town? Ooh, that would be interesting.

The door opens quietly and closes loudly as I walk outside. Bright blazing beams of light shine downwards, preventing me from looking forwards. Unless I place my hand above my brows. The suns burning gaze is blocked with my hand. The sting still lingers behind my eyes and it hurts to think for a while.

Walking down the main street and onto the bridge, which by all means lasts for twenty or so minutes.
I counted, about twenty three minutes. From Barbra's house to the closest bridge.

It's weird, yah know. I thought my legs would be hurting or something, but they feel fine. Is that a feeling I am having or a vague memory telling me? That my legs should be hurting? I don't know. Still confused about all this, but I feel a certain amount of trust in my body. Like a friendship between two people, where they communicate all issues. I think...

Trust... Friendship... Would joining up with Walter Stricklander make us friends? Will Bular go soft on me if I am of use and would that make us friends of sorts?

My memories are still vague and I think there could be an extra person, right? Someone with the two, Bular and Strickler? Who is that person, who's face and voice allude my mind? A sound in the back, a whistle of sorts? 

After a time, my thoughts have dragged on, to the point I now find my self in town. The streets are busy, filled with cars and people. Some of which are parked and others who are just moving by.

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