Page VIII Chapter III: New Purpose

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Down the corridor and in front of class room door window, I look inside. More visions play, like an overlapping time laps. Jim and his buddy, Tobi. Someone else too. Can't fully remember yet. 

The lightning flashes again, and a scene plays through my eyes.

I watch as I run down the corridor, pushing past people and slamming the door shut to the Janitors closet. A voice from behind the door, it calls out to someone called 'John'. The door struggles to open and I look down to my hands. They're glowing brightly with a temperature so hot, I am surprised my hands are in one piece. The door opens and I am grabbed by my shoulders. 

Snapping awake, I lift and I look down at my own hands, a faint glow shimmering from them.

"James!" I hear Strickler call out. Quickly looking down the corridor, I start walking down it, retracing my steps back to the front of the school.

What was that vision? Why is it familiar to me?

Looking back at my hands, as I walk, I can tell that the dim glow is gone. As I look up, I see Strickler down the corridor. I call back to him and wave my hands.

Weird how they were glowing a second ago. It could be all in my head however. The glow could have been a trick caused by the lack of lighting too. I guess I will never know.

Strickler turns on a torch and hands it over to me, then he turns on another. He then walks with me, leading me to the school basement, where the boiler resides. On the way to the boiler room, he starts telling me how he's went and got sleeping bags for the two of us, which he then gestures towards the big damp bag on his back.

"I went and checked up with Miss Namoura about training you. Of which she is delighted to help me train you."

"Really,  that's great. Thank you for helping me."

"No, thank you. For enlightening us with your perspective. Because of you, we now know that we need the Trollhunter to open the bridge."

"When will I start?" I ask.

A second passes and then Strickler answers, "When you are ready, we will be there to train you."

Responding with an 'Ok', Strickler and I go into the basement. We both set up the two sleeping bags and unload the items from the plastic bags.

It doesn't take long for the silence to break, when Strickler's phone goes off, "It's Barbra. Jim has been arrested?"

The skin on my face wrinkles as I put on a show of confusion, "What did he do that go him arrested?"

"I don't know, but rest assured, I'll be back." He says, as he walks back up the stairs. The foot steps get loud and fast as he runs towards the front of the school, eventually the sound gets distant. Then quiet.

There are small windows on the one wall, leading to outside. I can see the rain hasn't stopped. Grabbing some boxes near by, I stack them in such a way that I they won't topple. One foot at a time, I get onto the boxes and up to the small window. I could fit through this window, if I wanted but right now there isn't a need. I don't need to go through it. 

I sit on the top box and I watch the rain fall. There are dim flashes in the distance and various thundering sounds, none as bright as the others I have experienced up stairs. Which brings me back to the glowing to my hands and the indifferent vision I had. Why is it so familiar? I still don't get it. Still sitting on the top box, I look down at my hands again and I can discern that there isn't any glow from them. "Hm..." What would Strickler say to these visions.

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