Page II Chapter II: I'm Different?

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The van veers back and fourth, and my body gets chucked about. Some of the boxes are empty and others have solid objects within, each box flies about slamming me in various places. After passing a corner, I am slammed to the side of the van and it finally stops.

My body hurts too much to move, I think something hit me in the face multiple times. Evidently my vision gets slightly more blurrier than before. Also evidently because I have no glasses.

Where'd that bit of knowledge come from?

The doors swing open and the hooded figure grabs me by the shirt, which tears and the figure then grabs my arm. Dragging me out, the guys arm stretches, and I am levered upwards above the van. A special type of force or 'magic' keeps me suspended by the waist. The figure lets go of my arm, dropping it, his arm retracts back to him. A bunch of other figures walk out of the shadows and start talking to each other. I can not hear a word, due to the distance and or the now new headache, but I can tell due to the waving about of their arms that they are trying to discern something.

I ponder on how such a situation could happen and that it also seems very unlucky for it to happen to me. The nerve.

After some time, I am lowered down to the ground. They all look to my direction as one of them strides over. He kneels down, revealing his trouser leg as a dark brown, and he talks to me "You're a different human from what we've seen already, you also seem to have a hidden potential. Untapped and ready for use."

Hidden potential? What is he talking about?

All the other figures melt down into slithers of different coloured slime on the ground and they all move away from the guy talking to me. Reforming back, they all stand in a circular pattern. The first figure then grabs me and tosses me into the centre of the circle. Surrounded by a four meter gap circle of figures.

I stand quickly, ready for anything. He turns to face me and forms an orange circle in the air. A flaming ball of tremendous size is shooting for me. With out hesitation, from some sort of muscle memory I form a similar circle and a symbol within. My circle is nothing like his and it feels almost like a video game. A shield forms and the damage is negated.

I look at my hand and see the small slivers of fire burning the ground around me. Did I do that, block it or negate it? What was that?

The guy nods to me, leading me to think about the expression on my face. It's obvious that I am surprised and scared. Something within me says I shouldn't be able to do this. A little voice within me suggests that it is impossible, but the voice fades and I don't know why. Why the little voice and why it is impossible.

A bright yellow circle is formed from the figure and a ball of light is shot at me.

I dodge, but he is too fast and right in front of me. He forms a smaller purple circle, a purple sludge covering his fist and punches me in the gut. Then with his other hand forms another circle and he creates a huge force that plummets me backwards. I hit a large cylindrical structure, possibly a pillar of some kind. I fall down and hit the ground. I look up to see him dragging the fire from the ground, forcing the flames into a ball above his extended hand.

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