Page IV Chapter II: I'm Different?

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While still in the air, one of the girls ask me, "According to one of my friends, you were falling from the sky. You can't have just woken up falling, right? Not with out stepping through a magic door? Since that is the only way on the Boiling Isles."

I think about it and a small flash of an image snaps into the foreground of my mind, a mini vision switching between being a bland blown door with an eye, to one of colour and a star.

"A door? No. I am telling the truth when I am saying, I woke up falling from the sky. I don't know about some door, sorry." I say it in a more stern way. That if I didn't convince them earlier, they are definitely convinced now.

The rest of the flight is quiet of which, eventually after some time, they bring me down to a magical door and we walk through it. On the other side is normal looking Earth. Green trees, brown dirt, green grass and blue sky. Normal looking Earth? I prefer that.

"You needed the toilet right? I assumed you'd like to use a normal looking one, rather than an abnormal one correct? The boiling isles toilets are interesting, but I prefer the human made ones. Less teeth that way," The girl states.

I nod, thankful that I get actual time to my self without interruptions.

I am introduced to a person called Camila and the girl states that she is the daughter, that her name is Luz. Also thankfully, they allow me to go to the toilet right after introductions.

The toilet seat is cold as I sit down, finally giving me some time to myself to relax. I finish a minute later and I wash my hands thoroughly. I then dry them and exit the bathroom quickly.
Being in the bathroom on the toilet allowed me some time to piece together the day. Which was definitely hectic and there is a lot of information to unravel. They called that place the Boiling Isles, I wonder what makes it boiling. Something doesn't add up when that guy said that they were interrupting. What was so important about attacking me?

Walking down the stairs, I can see individual framed pictures. Family photos. Every figure in the pictures look familiar. I don't know why though.

Downstairs, I am greeted by the whole group, more than ten or so people. I don't get time to study their faces when I am met with constant questions. It gets intense real quick and I can feel my head rising in heat. I feel something in my heart sink and something forming in my throat. My head starts to throb and an impulse is pushing something in me. As though there is a small person in my mind and they are getting pushed constantly by someone. It becomes almost too infuriating and stressing. Something within me threatens to break me down from inside out. Like I wanna implode from all the talking as something within me keeps growing and growing. Getting more uncontrollable with each question.

Impulsively, I give up and I feel something in me break. A strong feeling to vanish, disappear and regain my peace. I fall down with my hands on my face. I have let go.

After a second I notice that the voices vanished and everything went quiet. My hands drop away and in front of me I see a statue? The sky has also gone dark. I was bright outside a minute ago, what happened? Why is it so dark all of a sudden? Did the time of day change?

That inner feeling concerning the need to escape lingers and when looking around, I spot a tree near by. I let go of all impulses telling me to run and I climb the tree. A form of escape, and I close my eyes. Realising that, my chest is tight, a new feeling of regret and a sense of worry has settled over me.

I feel the tears streaming down my face and based on the amount, I don't think I cry that often. I think it has been such a long time since I felt this way. A defenceless feeling.

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