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Alright, I promised to update for pride month, didn't I? In case you didn't see it, I was on vacation for most of June, but here's something I was working on! It's one of my head cannons, where Jay is gender fluid. Hope you enjoy!

(Omg I totally forgot to say that Lloyd is a kid oops)

Lloyd's P.o.v.

Jay walks out of the shared bedoom with a yawn. I note a gray bracelet on his wrist. I hug Kai and he hugs me back, absently ruffling my hair.

"Morning, Kai," Jay yawns.

"Morning, Jay," Kai responds, glancing up at him. His eyes lock on the gray bracelet.

"Jay, do you want some toast?"

"Yeah," Jay stifles a yawn with his hand. Kai stands and motions for me to follow him to the kitchen. I walk through the door and give him a look.

"Kai? Why is Jay wearing a gray bracelet? Isn't it supposed to be blue?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually. Jay is gender fluid, so their gender changes day by day."

"Their? Don't you mean his?" I ask. I'm so confused now. Isn't Jay a boy?

"Jay wears bracelets to tell us which pronouns they want each day. Today is their gray one, so they are gender neutral. So we use the pronouns they/them." Kai grabs some bread out of the cabinet.

"So, I need to refer to Jay with they/them?"

"Yup," Kai says, nodding. "They would be very happy if you did,"

"But... I've been using he/him all week! Is he- Are they mad at me?" I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"No, honey. They're not. You didn't know. Besides, they felt like a boy all week. They just didn't today."

"I still feel horrible,"

"Well, after breakfast, you could talk to them. Explain how you feel and see if they forgive you," Kai suggests, placing the now buttered toast on a plate.

"Okay," I whisper.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm sure they won't care. Jay's chill like that." Kai wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead.

"Eww!" I squeal, trying to wipe away the kiss. He laughs and grabs the plate.

"Come on, let's give Jay their toast."

I follow Kai out of the kitchen and resume my seat between Kai and Cole's no longer vacant spot. I lean on him and he wraps an arm around me.

"Hey squirt!"


"Hey, wanna help me steal Kai's food?" He whispers. I nod, smiling widely.

Jays P.o.v.

Kai places the toast in front of me and whispers in my ear.

"Lloyd wants to talk to you after breakfast,"

"About what?" I whisper back.

"Your bracelet,"

I thank Kai and hug him. He hugs me back as Zane walks in.

"Good morning, sunshine," He says, kissing my cheek. "I see Kai got breakfast,"

"Yeah," I say. "It's really good,"

"That's great!"

Zane sits on my other side and I hug him. We start eating slowly. Nya comes by at some point and steals Kai's banana. I laugh as Lloyd and Cole work on stealing his grapes.

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