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The current is starting to weaken...

"Bombur is drowning," Dwalin announced.

"All hands to shore, move!" Thorin commanded, watching as my horse landed. I remembered to assume a more human form during the flight.

I helped them ashore and dried their wet clothes with my magic.

"Where have you been?"

"I was dealing with the king, and for quite a while."

"Why didn't you end up in the dungeons?" The dwarf wondered.

"Since he knows who I am, and dungeons aren't a problem for me," I replied, "I have something for you."

I pulled out an Orcrist and put it in his hands.

"How did you manage to get that?"

"No one was guarding the armory when you escaped," I explained.

"Kili is injured," Fili spoke up, "He needs his leg treated."

"What happened?" I asked, appearing at their side.

"It's nothing," Kili remarked.

"He was hit by an arrow."

Morgul arrows were poisoned, and what could stop the poison was the Kingsfoil, Athelas to us elves.

I heard human footsteps, so I turned quickly, bow drawn. I recognized who it was since I was the one training him in archery.

Bard was ready to take a shot towards Ori. Dwalin stood in front of him, log in hand before the man fired and my arrow hit his. He then aimed at Kili, who was clutching a rock in his hands, and again I deflected his shot.

"I can do this all day," I said.

"Excuse me," Balin spoke up, "You're from Lake City if I'm not mistaken. And by pure chance, wouldn't your boat be available for hire?"

We both lowered our weapons. I walked over to my horse and reached into my pocket, where I had a supply of the plant - only my supply was already empty.

"Damn it."

"Why do you think I should help you?" Bard wondered as he began loading barrels onto his ship.

Balin led the conversation, as he was the most reasonable of all the dwarves.

"I would like to find out who you are and what you are looking for in these parts."

"We are simple merchants from the Blue Mountains, on our way to our relatives in the Iron Mountains."

"Simple merchants you say," he stated, looking at me.

"We need food, supplies, weapons," Thorin began, "Can you help us?"

"I know where the barrels are from."

"What's the point?"

"I don't know what you had to do with the elves, but it probably didn't go well. You're only allowed in Lake Town with the permission of the mayor, and its wealth comes from trade with the Elven Realm. Rather than risk the wrath of King Thranduil, he'll put you behind bars."

"Couldn't you get in undetected?" Balin asked.

"Yes, but you need a smuggler to do that."

The dwarf offered to pay, twice, which convinced the Bard and he let the dwarves board.

"You're not coming with us?" the others wondered.

"I'll be riding, as I need to find something important."

"And that won't wait?" Thorin wondered.

"Here's my payment in advance for all of them," I said, tossing the Bard three pouches of money, which was more than enough, "And no, it won't wait."

They set off in the boat and I hopped on my horse. I needed to find Athelas, plus I needed to avoid the orcs that were following us.

Feon flew around the trees as I tried to find the plant - and luck smiled on me. I found the plant, so I plucked the leaves and replenished my supply before heading off after the others.

I saw the city of Esgaroth, a shadow of its former glory. And I managed to make it just in time, as I saw the Bard with barrels full of fish at the gate to the city. Feon slowly began to descend.

"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" I spoke up.

"And who are you?" wondered the unsympathetic man.

"I wonder the same about you," I responded.

"This is Alfrid, the deputy mayor," the Bard explained.

"And you, missy, are here illegally."

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you, Alfrid! Those fish are my gift to your city of Esgaroth."

It was basically true, because the fish were paid for by the archer from the money she threw him.

"And what's the point?"

"I come from King Thranduil's kingdom, I don't think he would be happy to learn that you refuse to let his people into the city. It might limit trade with your city, which would displease the people."

"And I'm supposed to believe you?"

"I have no problem sending for my king. Is that what you want?" I said.

Alfrid stepped back and the gate opened.

Eruwen (Part 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now