Chapter 1: No Love Lost

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Ugh... they were at it again.

Caroline Rookwood turned over in bed, taking the spare pillow to muffle the noises from the room across from her. It was just the start of her luck in fifth year when the new transfer was assigned to their dorm, taking the empty spot that once belonged to Anne Sallow. And while the girls of Hogwarts shared dorms with four other people, that much changed during their seventh year-at least in the Slytherin dorms.

Seventh year girls and boys were split two people to a room when they came of age at seventeen-as a "reward" and motivation for their NEWTS toward the end of the year. They were expected to study so the company of multiple girls was deemed a distraction.

And as luck would have it-Caroline was assigned the most recent transfer as her roommate. She honestly couldn't remember her first or last name. She had transferred and collected epithets throughout their fifth and sixth year-troll slayer, they also called her. Hogwarts' heroine for her assistance in the defeat of Ranrok.

She grit her teeth at the audible moan across from her-how crass.

She didn't care the girl was entertaining, or even how the girl managed to sneak him up to the girls dorms, it was the simple fact that she was undoubtedly entertaining the one Sebastian Sallow-the bane of her existence.

They had been friends once, all four of them-before Anne's sickness. Anne had not come back from winter holidays during fourth year, and Sebastian had been sullen. Ominis had updated her on what occurred much to her horror-goblins cursing sweet Anne? How horrible. She had promptly written Anne and her uncle, sending a basket of teas and meals from Hogsmeade, hoping it would be of comfort.

And they had exchanged letters, Caroline catching Anne up on the gossip at Hogwarts-her writing of the dull pain and tests. And despite all that occurred in fifth year, they had continued to write to each other.

While she was saddened at the news of Anne's curse, and Sebastian's depression-it was his utter lack of empathy towards people that pushed her away at the start of fifth year.


"Have you got it?" Sebastian asked as they stepped foot into the common room.

The full moon was streaming through the tall windows, the sound of the waves hitting gently against the pane. They had reached the bottom of the stairs, shuffling to the side to allow the prefect and first years to scuffle to their new dormitories.

Caroline turned to meet the anxious face of Sebastian He looked like he hadn't slept in days-dark bags prominent on the freckles of his face, his normally warm and mirthful filled brown eyes were dull, and his normally supple cheeks seemed sunken from lack of food.

It was the first day of term and he was already obsessing and pestering about the books she promised to scour her family library for.

"Hello, Sebastian. Yes-I'm quite well, Sebastian," she glared at his impatience.

"You'll have to forgive his impertinence, Caroline... you know how he is," Ominis gave her a placating smile.

Of course she did... because that's all she ever did-forgive and forget with Sebastian Sallow.

"I..." she had been dreading this conversation. She left term last year with every intention to get the books Sebastian needed-pleaded with her father to let her look in their special collections for anything that could help Anne. But Victor Rookwood was not a sharing kind of man.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now