Her Choice

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Caroline Rookwood— no, just his Caroline now lay before him, in his embrace as he trailed his hands along the hem of her dress, slowly leaving soft kisses along the bare of her skin as she came down from her high, the thin, silky gown bunching in his hands as they made their way up to reveal her bare before him like an open book.

No— he thought his fingers caressing her with every intention to memorize every detail of the curve of her figure.

He thought he knew everything about her, they had after all known each other for almost half their life. To him, Caroline should have been an open book, pages marked with all her likes and dislikes as reference. She was the comfort—the go to—that he reached for and treasured on any given day.

The cup of her hands along his jaw traveled down as he bent forward to capture her lips, the softness of her fingers trembling as they unbuttoned his shirt.

He groaned as her fingers hovered at the edge of his trousers, the sound of metal unbuckling as her hands faltered, unsure of herself. "Caroline," he whispered pulling back, smiling at the light blush on her cheeks, taking her hands in his and placing a kiss on each tip. There was something quite freeing as he made himself bare before her—shucking off the dress shirt and trousers. Her eyes roamed over him slowly, her eyes darkening as she met his gaze, wetting her lips as his name fell from her in a soft plea, "Sebastian."

The crackle of the fire in the background, the lap of the waves below, and their breathing were the only accompaniments as he moved forward to caress his fingers through the sprawling mess of her soft hair as she lay before him.  But as his fingers warmed at the touch of the curve of her neck, down past the heaves and shudder of her chest as she fought back a moan, Sebastian realized she wasn't an open book at all or any book for that matter.

She was a library all her own. And he was set to commit her to his memory—even if he had to spend a lifetime to do so.

He began with a simple kiss to her temple, earning him a soft whisper of a smile. And that simple kiss touched the tip of her nose much to her breathy laugh as it turned into a moan as he let his lips travel to the curve of her neck. His nip of her soft skin gave him a gasp of surprise and pleasure. And the hitch of her breath as he lingered at her chest made her arch her back in frustration. She stemmed her laughter at the feathery brush of his hands along her waist. But it was the blush of her cheeks and stammer of her voice as his kisses traveled down towards the curve of her hips, his intentions no longer hidden by her dress. 

"Sebastian—I thought you were—" she trailed off, looking away with a bite of her lip.

He smiled softly, "Do you not want me to?"

"I... do," she said quietly, flushing as he slowly kissed his way from the outer curve of her hips once more. He memorized her moan as he tasted the bitter sharpness of her, coaxing the sounds of her pleasure from her with his fingers. She was writhing and arching against him, gasping as she sought to satisfy her aching need with what little give between them. He would recall she was beautiful, needy, and insatiable before him, her fingers tangling and tugging through his hair as her strangled cries rang through his ears, while the shuddering tense of her body sent a rush through his own as she let go for him.

And he would relive the feel of her legs pulling him close as he rose to let her taste herself from his lips, groaning as the husky moan of his name fell from her as she took his entire being. The rise and fall of her chest slowed as she came down from her high, her eyes fluttering as she settled around him. Caroline's sigh and shift beneath him had him aching as she reached to pull him into a searing kiss.

"More, Sebastian."

There were no begging pleas being uttered from her lips, no ask of what he could and could not give her. Because politeness be damned, she did not want a refusal of any of her demands. Nor did he want to. The pull of his hips was more than enough of a playful tease for the pout on her lips, his ears thumping as he watched the knit of her brows and shape of her mouth fall into a gasping moan as pushed into her. 


He muffled his groan as he left a mark along her shoulder at the clutch of her legs around his waist. The rake of her nails along his back weren't as delicious as the moan he swallowed falling from her lips. Her insistence had him silently begging to deities and forces for the strength to keep going. She was testing his will, his patience, and his resolve with her demands as he rocked against her.


Bloody hell— she meant to make him come undone just from her words alone.

He flipped them over with a kiss, hoping to stay his finish if he silenced her demanding little tongue long enough. But he found he was wrong—he bit the inside of his cheek, staring as the flushed confusion on her face gave way to recognition at the stir of her hips on his. She moved against him softly, testing the waters as she gasped, the softness of her palms laying directly over his heart to steady herself. He groaned, placing his hands over hers to quell the urge to grasp her hips and flip them back over.

The scent of gardenias and books flooded around him, his fingers twitching as he held back from bucking against her. Caroline's eyes fluttered closed as she began to move up and down, letting Sebastian entwine his fingers through her hands, his teeth grounding as he refrained from throwing his head back.

Her eyes fluttered open as his hands left hers, leaning up against his elbow, his free hand reaching to cup her face, a husky groan escaping him, "Caroline..." She was struggling to hold back her moan as she gripped his shoulders to steady herself. He couldn't have that now, could he? She looked radiant above him, the fire in the background barely diminishing the brightness of her. She had always been seen but this show was all for him.

And he wanted to hear her—wanted to hear her unbridled joy as she rocked against him, as she took all of him, as she commanded his entire being, as he wanted, as he craved, as he pleaded and begged her, and as he let out a strangled cry of her name at the clench of her around him with a grip of her hips.

The thumping of his heart came to a slow with his breath, the feathery touch of her hair blanketing his form as she lay atop him. His hands found their way to the small of her back, tracing circles against the cool touch of her skin. Her lips were soft the hint of her beaming smile caressing him from his lips to his cheek, and from the curve of his jaw to the column of his neck.

"Hmm," she hummed, before the nip of her teeth sent his heart thundering and a stir traveling south, "How did this kiss go again?"

He groaned, flipping them over much to her glee. He could get used to this—the sight of her at ease in his arms, her bright smile, and what he hoped was her loving gaze. She laughed softly as he brought his lips to the column of her neck, "Would you like another demonstration, Caroline?"

"Do you need me to say please?"


Author's Note:

Special thanks to this song for being on repeat:

"I'm Gonna Find You"
-Loch Anam

I... can't even tell you how long this has been in draft or gone through the chopping block and re-written in both their perspectives.

Happy super early weekend!!!! This definitely counts as the weekend update (maybe... because if you've been here long enough my posting schedule is not reliable when it comes to waiting). I'll likely be busy this weekend so I didn't want to risk "forgetting".

It's different than my usual "practice" and I wanted to extend it till their morning but I'm hoping to leave it a bit open to possibly do a dirtier(?) one shot. But we'll see.

There's a lot more I meant to put in notes but-- my brain is mush.

Edit to add:
The scroll in Caroline's pov will be explored in a later chapter. I honestly love writing first times together (experienced, non experienced, mixed)— and this is likely purple prose but I think it fits the overall tone!!

Thanks for reading!!!

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now