Three Little Words

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"You'll tell her, yes?" Ominis sighed, patting Sebastian's shoulder as he prepared to floo to the Rookwood villa.

"Only if you're telling Weasley, yes?" He bit back.

Ominis groaned at his snark. Sebastian had been increasingly apprehensive and tense all morning despite their talk two nights prior—even going as far as to hide behind Garreth and steal away into the boys' loo at any sight of blonde hair. Caroline for the most part had taken it all in stride, sending her usual 'good mornings' and not forcing the matter or prolonging Sebastian's conflicted suffering by sitting with Imelda on the far side of the Slytherin table for the rest of the week. Though it helped some of Sebastian's anxiety, Ominis drew the line during dinner—sending Sebastian to find company with Garreth at the Gryffindor table for his nightly chats with Caroline before they all retired to bed.

He was not surprised Garreth welcomed and became friendly with Sebastian but was pleasantly surprised to find his oldest friend taking a keen interest and attachment to his beloved. So much so that Sebastian managed to come to the conclusion that though Garreth was very open with his "I love you's", Ominis was not— rather, he had yet to say those three little words.

"Sebastian... you've admitted your love for Caroline—to me, no less. You should at least admit it to her."

"And you've hinted at yours for Garreth. Perhaps you should heed your advice and actually tell him? Poor sod's been throwing you 'I love yous' for all the world to see."


"Take pity on the man, Ominis! If you love him, just say it!"


"Do you not wonder if Garreth's heart can take it? He is human you know."


"If you don't tell him, how is he to know the depth of your feelings? How is he to know you'll stay? How is he to know that you really truly—"

"Salazar's balls, Sebastian!" Ominis shouted, reaching out with a few slaps in Sebastian's general direction until one landed on him, earning a yelp, "Will you stop projecting your feelings on Garreth's and my relationship?"

"Is it really 'projecting' when it's true?" Ominis remained silent at his ask—though Garreth was confident in who they were together, he often wondered if his beloved asked himself the same questions. It wasn't as though Ominis hadn't tried to tell Garreth he loved him—the words were just seemingly harder to say than showing him. Were actions not stronger than words?

He sighed, patting Sebastian's shoulder lightly as they neared the bust of Ignatia Wildsmith, "Could you not say the same about Caroline's predicament with you?"

"That's...not—" Sebastian stammered, hearing a quick silencing spell thrown at the bust, "I only meant that I don't know... Caroline 'knows' my feelings. I haven't exactly been subtle. I... am just unsure of hers."

Ominis sighed—they were both bloody idiots, "Will you please just talk to her? Then I can get more sleep, less stress, and less wallowing from you."

"Only if you're promising to keep Weasley," Sebastian scoffed much to the twitch of Ominis' brows.

Falling for Garreth Weasley was always the easy part—admitting he loved him was harder. But telling him 'I love you'? It terrified Ominis.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now