Just Like Your Father

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Content Warning:

Though the tags should be minded-- please note that St. Mungo's and Anne's condition does constitute "sickness/ illness" for this chapter.



'You're just like your father.'

It was a phrase Sebastian heard time and again—from the people of Feldcroft, from his professors, and notably—his uncle. At fifteen years old, in the second term of his fourth year, Sebastian could count the years being 'just like his father' seemed more favorable no more than his own set of fingers.

He had never considered what that meant—what it 'really' meant. As a child, he would pout at his father, glaring as he claimed he wanted to be an Auror, just like his uncle. Not a 'professor' like his father... no—being cooped in a castle instead of adventuring and saving the world?

Little Sebastian Sallow was fine being just a touch like his father but what he wanted more than anything was to be a hero just like his Uncle Solomon. Adventurous and a protector.

But as the years passed, 'being just like his father' began to mean more. To him, it was his connection and remembrance of his father who was taken too soon. It meant wanting to be just as well-loved like him someday. It meant keeping a part of his 'family' with him wherever he went.

What was once high praise from his uncle dwindled throughout the years, becoming more sullen day by day—a touch of longing coating each syllable. He remembered the first day he heard the once familiar phrase wrapped in grief from his uncle as they lay Sebastian and Anne's parents to rest. There was no usual warmth or well of pride in his chest as his uncle muttered it quietly. Instead, there was a heavy stone that settled in his stomach at his uncle's loud sigh and pat of his head.

And when Uncle Solomon settled into the village of Feldcroft to care for Anne and Sebastian, being 'just like his father' sounded melancholic, smelled like the burn of fire whiskey on many nights, and felt regretful in his chest. The once bright eyes of his uncle dimmed, his stares that glanced at Sebastian's face became further away, his lithe build became round and heavy with sorrow, and his uncle's face wrinkled from his ever-present frowns instead of the smiles and laughter he once had.

But Sebastian hadn't realized just how bitter 'you're just like your father' could sound until that day.



Sebastian's yells echoed across the Undercroft, the lit braziers swinging wildly with each punctuated shout of his 'curse'.

How. Could. He?

He returned to Feldcroft early that morning, after a night of tossing and turning in the dormitories. He had returned to Hogwarts much earlier than expected—away from the empty cottage at Feldcroft, away from the reminder of the sight of Anne shriveling into herself in bed at St. Mungo's, away from feeling useless while his sister—his twin suffered restlessly.

But he came back—for 'her'. For Anne.

Today was supposed to be 'the' day—the day they would go to St. Mungo's and the healers would let Anne come home.

Today was the day Anne was supposed to laugh and cheer again—planning her next big prank for the New Year.

Today was supposed to be the day they learned and remembered how to be a family again.

The smell of smoke filled the room as the brazier swung wildly, the shadows dancing closer and closer as the flames became snuffed with each violent swing, his loud 'curses' chasing away the darkness as his rage burned again and again.

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