All of Him

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"Always Remember Us This Way"-Noelle Johnson



It was not the revelation that spilled from Sebastian's lips that caught the air in her lungs—no, that was a shock in of itself but one she thought they could talk through. No—it was the utter fear etched on his face and the sight of him running away from her that brought her to her knees and cradle her echoing sobs. There was a hurt sunken in his eyes and guilt carved on his faced as the truth spilled from his lips—was that what happened? This was a right mess—she thought, the images of a sick and sullen Anne and a somber Ominis during Solomon's funeral flitting through her mind. Was that the burden he carried? Alone, all this time?

"Caroline?" she tried stemming her sobs at the sound of Garreth's voice as he crossed the threshold.

"G-Garreth?" the smile she was forcing to plaster shattered at the feel of being engulfed in Garreth Weasley's hug, "I'm not sure— everything happened so fast."

"It's alright, come on darling— I'm taking you to the kitchens."

The trek to the kitchens was a blur as Garreth walked them through the corridors, peeking around each corner every so often. The sound of the tickled pear's giggles woke her from her stupor as the savory and sweet smells of the kitchen enveloped her. She found herself sat at a table as the tenor of Garreth's voice spoke with the house elves.

"Master Weasley— what can Dinky get for mistress Caroline?"

"Tumi has plates of pasties for mistress Caroline!"

"Floppy has mulled butter beers for the master and mistress!"

The clunk of a warm goblet was set before her Garreth nudging it, urging her to drink the mixture as he sat across from her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Caroline's shook her head, lip trembling as she took a sip of her goblet.

"You know— Ominis had a hard time opening up about himself," Garreth gave her a smile, laying his head on the table to look up at her sullen face, "Hates his family— of course you likely know that. But...he was terrified, absolutely in tears when he told me what they made him do. Thought I would leave him..."

Leave him? Caroline frowned, the thought hadn't crossed her own mind, "What made him believe you'd stay?" It was not a question of what made Garreth stay but rather how Ominis could accept that the ginger haired ball of happiness would move the heavens and earth to remain at his side.

Garreth chuckled and sighed, "He still thinks I'll leave one day. So I live each day with him like it's always our last."

Caroline smiled— Ominis was lucky to have him. Floppy rushed over to refill her goblet as she thought in silence. She wondered if she could make Sebastian believe as much in her. And if she could— would he remain happy with her? With her family?


It had rained all evening at the villa as she read, waiting for Sebastian to return from his day with Vincent. He had given her a slight smile at his arrival that morning before he was whisked away by her brother. And she fell asleep to sound of the waves and pattering of water against the pane, hoping for his safe return. The sound of thunder rattled the glass of the library's windows, rousing her from the sleep she fell in. The tray of pasties and tea kettle set aside at the table above her head were empty. Her eyes blinked, adjusting to the rekindled fire as she took note of the weight of the cloak draped over her form and the sound of footsteps shuffling through the shelves.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now