Of Sonnets

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"What in Salazar's name are we doing?" Ominis sighed.

A new week spelled many goodbyes. First it was Anne the night prior—Ominis had given her a long hug. He spent the following morning giving well wishes to Cecilia and Tessie on their journey back to the villa—however quick it may be. Vincent gave a lackluster farewell and promising to arrive within the week. Caroline and Sebastian took their leave that morning for classes, reassuring him of their return later that night. And so, Ominis was left with Garreth Weasley for company—he, having taken the first shift in the rotation to monitor the potion in the makeshift brewing station below.

He had quirked a brow at Garreth's request to spend the day together. Ominis had given a reluctant nod, a little tingle in his brain surmising that perhaps he could get near the potion and—no, he thought guiltily as he took Garreth's offered hand as he was led down the corridors and a set of stairs.

Ominis remembered the feeling of his hands, much more than the casual brushes of her hand. This hand was calloused and not as soft as that girl's. It squeezed his tightly despite a darkened part of his brain urging his own slackened hand to grip back. But just as his mind swam through the dredges of the love potion in his system to allow a twitch, his hand became empty. It was an emptiness different than the lustful thoughts swirling about all the possibilities of grasping a feminine waist. This emptiness reached deep into his soul—it felt lonely, and every fiber of his being cried out for a sliver of the warm touch of Garreth's hands.

"Just need to check on this first," Ominis heard the reply.

As he made to sit in an armchair by a fire, he could hear a deep humming. It was melodic and boisterous unlike the puzzling trill of her voice. There were no false platitudes that sent a rise in his ego in the notes of Garreth's voice—his was welcoming and humbling.

And unlike the mystery and temptation of being in her presence, Garreth's presence was steadfast, ready, and predictable. Ominis longed and wanted her but there was an inherent need for all of Garreth and his company.

The scrape of a metal lid sounded, and an odd mixture of smells seeped into the room—basil with just a hint of sandalwood, pastries that seemed coated in cheap powder, and lavender coiled in roses. He hated it—it was overwhelming, the large number of notes. Ominis' nose wrinkled at the odd mixture, trying to find focus on just one scent as he coughed, a wave of nausea blanketing around him.

"Ah, yes... it's quite something," the pitter patter of Garreth's feet hurried to him, the warmth from his large figure kneeling before him as his soft voice called his name, "Ominis... I know it's hard. But breathe in slowly and hold for a moment. There you are. Now... once you find your calm, breathe out."

He nodded, exhaling a large breath before breathing in again—the calming scent of lavender overpowering the scent of roses made him shiver suddenly in distaste. He wasn't sure if it was Garreth's closeness that completely shifted the focus of the scents or the memory of his former affection for the man whispering comfortingly beside him. But the scent of lavender wasn't entirely unwelcome.

"Sorry... we'll only be here for a moment, I just need to stir the cauldron and add one other ingredient before we go about our day," Garreth replied. Ominis simply nodded, his furrowed brows deepening as Garreth walked away, leaving him in the storm of scents once again before the metal lid slid closed to end his misery.

"Now then, I'm quite famished..." he heard a deep laugh, "Shall we make our way to the kitchens?"


Basil...he was frowning at the fresh and sharp scent, the little bird in his brain pecking at him. He would have preferred the scent of sandalwood—exotic and earthy. There were brushes of Garreth's fingers as they rolled dough on the wooden counter.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x Garrethحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن