Chapter 18: Revelations and Altercations Part 2

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"I'll do it."

Vincent Rookwood's snorted in laughter as Ominis sputtered in shock beside him. His fists clenched themselves as he peered up at the new Rookwood patriarch, an almost replica of Victor Rookwood himself. He had thought himself prepared before Tessie apparated them into the Rookwood home, mentally forcing his feelings of distaste of Victor Rookwood's misdeeds into the back corners of his mind. But the revelation of the man himself—of the barbaric offering of Caroline before the Sacred Twenty- Eight to hoist himself to greater heights had sent his stomach roiling. Sebastian breathed, steadying himself and stilling the jerk of his knees.

"You? Little Sallow? Mama informed me that Caroline doesn't seem all too fond of you— and according to Caroline's words, you don't seem all too fond of her," Vincent quirked his brow, "What are you hoping to gain if not a lifetime sentence of misery?"


There was a resolute tinge in his stare as he answered Vincent, "She would be safer with me."

He received a derisive laugh, "Is that really your answer?"

It was— Sebastian could not admit or recall when he stopped hating Caroline, all he knew was that misery was roaming the castle in search of her, knowing she would not be found. Misery were the sleepless nights at the dawning truth he would wake without her in his arms. And misery was losing her in any capacity— and he was not going to lose her to anyone ever again, not if he could help it.

He wanted her. In what way, he didn't know the depth of. He just knew he wanted to see those green eyes blazing with life, to see her figure before him— even if it was millimeters away from his touch. And he was not letting a chance opportunity slip through his fingers.

"Yes." It was a simple answer for a simple problem, wasn't it? Sebastian was not going to let Ominis throw his chances with Weasley by being the offering for Caroline. At least with him, she would have someone familiar by her side. With him close and near, Marvolo or any man would not dare to touch or move against her—he would make sure of that.

"And what could you offer me?" Vincent quirked his brow with a haughty smile, "Gaunt here has the backing of his name and history. You, an orphan boy, the nephew of a disgraced Auror, without any power or money to your name, do not."

Sebastian grit his teeth narrowing his eyes at the stinging truth and sneer on Vincent's face. He was right—that much was certain. The Sallow name and reputation rested with him, not Anne. And what sort of connections were piddly merchants in a coastal village with nothing to do but gossip? He had not started work so there was little money for any comforts he could offer Caroline—at least comforts that she was accustomed to. What could he possibly offer him?

"Loyalty— you said you needed loyalty," he stammered.

Vincent laughed as he leaned back against the desk, "Loyalty in words? I need more than that, Sallow."

More? What more could he give the promises?

He was already biting back his pride to the heir of the man who caused him problems.

"I'll tell you what, Sallow," Vincent smirked, "I like your confidence...but a promise of loyalty isn't going to convince me. If you're serious about Caroline— prove it to me. Work for me."

Sebastian's blood turned cold at the thought. He knew a little of the Rookwood gang from the rumors and stories that flew in the Scottish Highlands. They were boorish, traveling idiots who were too drunk or too rowdy to really be welcomed into any town. They were self-serving, simple minded and reported to anyone who gave the most coin. It was a humiliating offer coming from Vincent Rookwood himself.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now