Unspoken Rules

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Trigger Warning For This chapter: Violence



"Just one kiss?" Sebastian asked softly, pouting at Caroline as he stood with his broom with the team on the flying lawn, "For good luck, of course."

It was a chilly morning, despite summer being on the horizon—the sun hid behind cloudy skies. And yet the flying lawn and castle was buzzing with excitement. The final game of the year between Slytherin and Ravenclaw decked the castle in green and blue—excited whispers travelling amongst students despite exams the following week. Lucan Brattleby's voice and coin purse could be heard traversing the corridors calling for last bets as Slytherin and Ravenclaw prepared to take off to their respective tents on the pitch.

"Merlin's balls, Sallow! If you're relying on a kiss to help Slytherin win the game, I might as well find some Polyjuice and switch you out with your sister!" Anne laughed at Imelda's growl, the sound of his grumbling echoing as she pulled the back of Sebastian's robes.

Imelda had given a stern speech, reminding her team not to fail under any circumstances or she would ensure frequent visits after Hogwarts to whip them back into shape herself. She was not leaving a team floundering and weak after her departure. And she was definitely not tolerating idiocy during the last game—she shouted, her glare resting far too long on Sebastian much to the amusement of the rest of the team and observing Slytherin students.

Sebastian simply shrugged, mounted, and waited for the first few to kick off—starting with their captain, then Davies as their replacement keeper, their seeker—Gillian Pucey, another chaser—Nathaniel Nott, and followed by Sebastian himself. His feet hovered three feet off the ground before he quickly rounded to the crowd, stopping short in front of Caroline with a sheepish smile.

"Sallow!" she could hear Imelda's shout in the distance as a laughter rang out. At his groan of annoyance and roll of his eyes, Caroline blew him a kiss, receiving a pleading pout in return.

"You can have a real one after the game," she laughed, "You best go before Melly comes back to get you!"

He shot her a smile and nodded, turning the handle of his broom, "I'll make sure to hold you to that promise."

"You've turned him into a sap," Anne snorted, taking her arm to begin their trek to the pitch.

"Have I? He's still got a bit of cheeky little blighter left in him," she hummed.

"Sallows are born cheeky—I'm just surprised it didn't overshadow Sebastian's attempts at romance."

"He manages to make it work," she smiled.

"Right...because insufferable is such an endearing term," Anne rolled her eyes.

"It's not a terrible compliment! I can grate on his poor nerves."

"And when you do, he prefers calling you darling... I tell you, Caroline— you're both mad."

"I shall remember this whenever you, yourself fall in love."

"Ha! If it does happen, you shall be the first to know. Goodness knows, Sebastian would have a fit and Ominis will wrangle me into one of his lessons."

"I do admit... his lessons are informative... But you should have ample time to escape his clutches seeing as he and Garreth will likely be in America."

Anne laughed, shaking Caroline's arm, "You and I both know a measly pond like the Atlantic won't stop Ominis. He'll fly here if he has to, wand out just to hear all the new gossip!"

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now