Chapter 8:Shifting Places

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This was such a fun pastime—he thought drily, as he sat in the Quidditch stands, waiting for Caroline to return from wherever she needed to drop off an errand. He attended Quidditch games, sure—but practice did not compare to the play by play and excitement present on game days. The only play by play he was currently getting was an annoying little tart at the other end of the stand—her yelling voice grating as she shouted cheers for Sebastian.

Ominis sighed, a warmth filling his cheeks as he resigned himself to reminisce the events occurring earlier that day.


He had resigned to switch spots with Imelda at the potions station nearby, much to the Quidditch captain's dismay at missing all the drama unfolding. Upon promising to give the play by play after each class that week, Imelda consented and moved to his spot by Garreth's cauldron—much to his own regret. He needed to pass potions though—and Amortentia was hard enough to brew with the object of your affections standing so close.

Caroline gave him a squeeze of his hand as she led him to Imelda's former station, promising she was just a shout away behind him if he needed help.

Bless her, truly—Sebastian was an idiot to let their friendship sour.

"Hello Omi," the sickly sweet voice of the transfer floated next to him as he cringed at the nickname.

"It's just Gaunt to you," he spat.

"But Omiii, we were friends once," she sang as he began to find the pocket for his wand—his family was affluent enough to get him out of trouble, right? Surely the world wouldn't miss this little cretin. It wasn't as though he was going to use the Dark Arts—there were plenty of other spells he could use in this moment.

"Excuse me," Ominis paused in his not so murderous thoughts at the sound of a deep voice... Phineas Black's voice to be exact.

"Yes?" the new girl asked breathily—ugh, what happened to her? Whatever happened to her at the end of fifth year seemingly destroyed any sense of her 'loving' personality, corrupting her into an absolute...slag.

"I believe you're in my spot," Ominis bit his cheek to stifle a laugh at Phineas' ridiculous command. Granted... it probably was his spot since he attended Hogwarts but given his proclivity to skipping classes it was certainly a welcome to have him back—and Ominis could name only one reason why.

"Um... this is my spot, it has been since I got here," the new girl snarled.

"Hmm, but you seem to have gotten here late and that has always been my potions spot," Phineas replied cheerily.

The girl gasped in shocked, poison coating her words, "You have some ner—"

"What is going on here?" Professor Sharpe's voice carried over, the sound of his cane thumping on the ground as he ambled closer.

"Apologies, Professor Sharpe—but this girl here, is in my spot," Phineas reasoned bluntly.

Ominis could hear Professor Sharpe's deep sigh and grumble about geniuses and lazy headmaster's sons before he issued his verdict, "Miss... um—just move over to Mr. Sallow over there, would you?"

"But, Professor!" she whined.

"No, buts—just move," Professor Sharpe sighed again, as the thud of his cane turned to move back towards his desk, "I hope this is a permanent change, Mr. Black."

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now