Chapter 14: Pippa's Song

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There was such joy in the beauty and enjoyment of simple things. From the mundane daily tasks of routines to basking in the comfort and laughter of friends. It reminded him of the simplicity and echo of the promised ending of Pippa's Song—All's right with the world!

And everything was so very right with the world. He had placed his faith in chance with Garreth Weasley, opening his heart for him to see. It had been difficult after the years spent in the darkened corridors of the Gaunt family and their sickening ways, his heart had been soiled and tainted by the hatred that bound him to them. Suspicious and cautious of anything that could remotely be his and his alone.

He had kept people at an arm's length, much more so after fifth year when Sebastian had fallen into the Dark Arts. But Caroline's prodding and Garreth's infectious energy changed any notion of and plans to keep to himself. Especially if Garreth kept feeding him.


They say love is food for the soul and Ominis was happy to be fed at Garreth Weasley's hands. They were currently back at the Hogwarts Kitchen seeing as Ominis had been ecstatic at their first date, wanting to know if they could make it a regular occurrence. Garreth had been surprised at the choice, thinking he had wanted to add more outings to a tea shop or show.

But Ominis simply smiled and shook his head— he did enjoy those— but not as much as the warmth and care he could feel from Garreth as he cooked and baked.

"A few dashes of parsley, salt, black pepper, and the secret ingredient—nutmeg," Garreth laughed, the sound of a mixing bowl being pushed towards him.

They were making meatballs with onion sauce, a regular dish at the Weasley household.

Ominis wrinkled his nose, the touch of the mushy ground beef in his fingers a foreign texture.

"There you are! You're doing so well," Ominis flushed at the praised, keeping himself as composed as possible as he felt the touch of Garreth's arms around his waist and a roughened sprinkle of those supposed breadcrumbs on his hands.

He bit his cheek as Garreth's hands knead the mixture, massaging it through his hands and the tickle of a whisper on his ear, "This is the fun part! We have to form them into little balls to simmer in the onion sauce."

He swallowed thickly, the shape of a meatball forming in his hands as he squeezed and felt Garreth do the same for another. The tension of his forearms brushed against his as he rested his chin on his shoulder with a pout, "This is fun."

"Yes, yes it is," Ominis replied breathily.


God's in His heaven;

And when Garreth had asked Ominis to spend the night with him, weeks after a third, a fourth, and a fifth date— he had readily said yes. He couldn't see his reaction but felt the wave of happiness from his laugh of relief, chuckling along with him as they found themselves wrapped tightly in each other's arms beneath his sheets.

"I should like you to meet my family one day," Garreth said softly as Ominis felt him stroke his cheek. Did he? He had never made it quite that far with his other summer lovers before.

His companion laughed as he fidgeted nervously in bed, "Garreth... are you sure? My family isn't well known for being enjoyable company."

Ominis heard him snort, pouting at the surprising nuzzle to his nose, "I'm not asking your family, silly. I want you to meet them."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes to distract from the blush creeping to his cheeks before he nodded, eyes widening as Garreth laughed and pulled him into a soft kiss.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now