This Year Will Be Different

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Halloween did promise all the mayhem and chaos amongst students and staff— a series of tricks and very few treats curated by none other than Anne that finally landed her in her first detention of the year...along with a very irate, very confused, and very upset Ominis. And while Anne and Ominis were currently toiling away cleaning cauldrons in the detention hall late into a Saturday night, Sebastian pulled Caroline away to collect the personal birthday present he was owed.

"I'm...genuinely surprised you didn't know," Caroline whispered in front of him, flittering into view as they reached the second landing of the Restricted Section, "It's a really simple spell. Alo-ho-mo-ra. Alohomora."

"A simple spell?!" Sebastian sputtered.

He had followed the scent of gardenias under the guise of the disillusionment spell, past the prefects, hearing Caroline tap her wand at the large lock on the gates of the Restricted Section, muttering softly to herself before an audible click and her hum of approval ushered him inside the new section of books. But he had not rushed past her in a daze and excitement to hold the new tomes once locked away from him—no, he followed in surprise whispering questions on such a new 'spell' to be learned as they rounded corners past books and tomes. Where did she learn it from? Some portrait grandfather, apparently. Why in Merlin's name did she know such a thing? Curiosity. Curiosity? Could she teach it to him?

"Teach you? I could have sworn Anne would have taught you the spell already," she laughed.

"Anne? Anne?!" Sebastian glared as she shushed him, "Anne knows? How long has Anne known?"

"Since... winter of third year?"

"Third..." Sebastian closed his eyes and evened his breath—he wasn't sure what upset him most—his sister keeping such a tidbit of knowledge to herself or the fact that Caroline 'gifted' Anne a spell of her own—before him, he might add. He knew how close Caroline and Anne had gotten throughout the years but surely, they all had some special bonding moment with each other?

She and Ominis would often chat over tea and sconces at nights. And Anne and Caroline would read during others. Even Imelda had her moments with Caroline. Sebastian stood pondering, walking with the speed of a slug as the feelings settled in his stomach—he often sequestered her to help him in duels, studied with her in the library, and often partnered with her in classes. They often hid away in the kitchens eating comfort foods or being coerced by the elves to try new recipes.

So, any feelings of unfairness should certainly be tamped down and dismissed—he had moments with Caroline... one singular memory with Anne should not make him feel as though something was amiss.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing over there? I thought you wanted to take a look at the books," she laughed reaching forward to grasp his hand with a roll of her eyes. She led him past the soft warmth of the lit braziers and into the shadows of the bookshelves.

Sebastian, however, knew the reason for the discomforting feeling as he stared at their entwined hands, his feet gliding across the floor to follow her—he wanted more. More than the simple brushes of their hands and knees as they studied, more than the teasing banter of everyday, and more than the simple greetings and farewells of each day. Sebastian wanted Caroline's time—her busy mornings, lazy afternoons, and sleepy nights. He wanted the insufferable quirks Ominis fondly recounted, he wanted to be the first shoulder she thought to lean on during the days she would open yet another letter from her father postponing an outing together, and he wanted to be her first reason for her smiles and laughter.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now