Chapter 5: The Terrible Thing About Love Potions

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Caroline was going to kill him...but it was the easiest plan he could think of. Barring the fact that the rest of the world would likely not believe their love, he could at least offer her a life devoid of suffering and pain. He could not love her like the one who was the other half to her soul but they could come to an agreement. They could be discreet with other lovers if need be and most importantly she would be safe.


TW: Italicized paragraph mid way contains mentions of explicit content-- full scene can be found on AO3.



Ominis was draped over his desk, penning a letter to his father, asking for an audience at home as Caroline slept huddled under the sheets of his bed. Seventh year was shaping up to be filled with many tears for her. He sighed, he had not requested to come home for years, not since second year when his family ridiculed him as a response to the revelation for his preference for the same sex.

The magical world was such an open-minded society for the most part. And Ominis had no problems disappearing into small niche communities during the summer and holidays. As long as he was discreet and did not call attention to himself and continued his required duties to handle the family ledger, though that was mostly due to Caroline's help, his family left him alone with his share of his inheritance.

He only opted to attend the regular family functions to put on a united front amongst the Sacred Twenty- Eight and even then, he only stayed an hour. Going home now would require he spend the entire weekend at the Gaunt estate, likely subjecting himself to the less savory aspects of familial duties. For Caroline, he could last a weekend.

Dear Father,

I am writing to ask your audience to discuss the possibilities of arranging a marriage for myself. It is with reasonable consideration that I admit I have come of age and am in need of a wife. If it pleases you, I shall have details of her family available for your judgment when we meet.



Caroline was going to kill him...but it was the easiest plan he could think of. Barring the fact that the rest of the world would likely not believe their love, he could at least offer her a life devoid of suffering and pain. He could not love her like the one who was the other half to her soul but they could come to an agreement. They could be discreet with other lovers if need be and most importantly she would be safe.

Marvolo Gaunt was not a man of patience— he portrayed himself a gentleman in public, practicing the good graces of a bow and polite conversation. However, behind closed doors, he was a cruel man— more often than not he would send the women he would take to bed from the brothel houses back broken in spirit and beaten in body. If they even made it out alive. He favored the ones that had spirit and innocence, traits that Caroline fit to a tee. Those women— Ominis cringed at one particular memory— those women were the worst off.


It was odd— the Gaunt household never usually smelled quite so good. It was normally filled with the smell of musk and strong tobacco. But today it smelled sweet and pleasant— almost intoxicating. In fact— he thought as he hovered at the door—he swore it was coming from Marvolo's room.

"Ominis," his brother called out as he came down the corridor, "Did you need something?"

"I..." Ominis tilted his head towards his brother, knowing it would not do to lie, "I thought I smelled some fresh pastries and lavender but followed them to your room."

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now