Afternoon Tea

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Caroline flinched at the sound of Ominis' shout, his complaint echoing around the room as Garreth cast her a smile of apology. She did miss their nightly chats— Imelda was far more reasonable and kinder with her words in the morning than when she was preparing for bed. Quidditch players apparently needed a good night's rest and anything but would throw off their game— at least in Imelda's case.

"I...I'm sorry Ominis," she stammered, "It's not you, I promise."

"Yes, yes! I'm quite aware it's Sebastian. We're all quite aware," he snorted, "Though I didn't realize Melly possessed far greater knowledge in helping you in such a situation."

"She doesn't—" Caroline pouted. Imelda really didn't possess the information she needed to handle her issues with Sebastian. For the short days and nights they spent together, she remembered that Imelda was a blunt young woman preferring direct approaches as opposed to the introspective and gentler touches of Ominis. Yes— the Quidditch captain's reaction to her kiss with Sebastian and subsequent horror was met with a simple answer as she mulled about it for days— would you two just do it already? She was no Ominis with his patience and willing ears, "She's not you, obviously. I just haven't been able...oh Ominis, I think I've done something wrong."

She couldn't face Sebastian— not after her staunch denial of his effect on her. It was supposed to be quick. But everything had blurred around her once he pulled her back, the heightened emotions of the past few years had broken free at the feel of Sebastian's eager lips igniting something within her, breaking whatever control she had left.

It felt wild, free, scorching and euphoric. And she needed it— after everything, after all the crying, after the screams into her pillows, she wanted— needed something, anything. It was terrifying, like an unchecked fire left to burn in a forest without clear direction when it would dissipate itself.

She must have looked stricken as Garreth bent forward to whisper to Ominis whose struggles ceased as the furrow of his brows softened into concern.

"Caroline," Ominis sighed, moving forward to reach for her hands, pulling her into a reassuring hug, a lilt wrapping around his voice, "Was he that terrible of a kisser?"

She groaned and shoved her head further into his chest, the heat rushing to her ears as Garreth's own laughter rang around them.

"No," she whispered, "He was really good. Too good—honestly."

"And that's fine, Caroline. You can't expect yourself to forgive or fall for Sebastian in one day. Or maybe for a long time. Just take it one day at a time."

Could she, though? After that night, there was no turning back.

"Now... if you keep having these nightly chats with Imelda, I may have to rethink my stance on this friendship," he laughed softly, "Seriously—do you not remember that Imelda is the one you go to if you want affirmation to act on bad decisions?"

"Yes, I promise no more nightly chats with Imelda," she mumbled, leaning into Ominis' hug.

"Good," there was a wicked smile etching itself on Ominis' lips as she pulled back, "Now—since we've a lot to catch up on. I suggest we start with a small refresher course of what to expect on a wedding night. Or any night should you choose to go that route instead."

The heat rushed to her cheeks as Garreth gasped in excitement despite her groan, "Must we really?"

"Yes, I'm still quite cross with you," Ominis grumbled with a smile, gesturing for Garreth to pull them all forward to sit by the makeshift fire, "Consider this very, very, long lesson as your apology for missing our nightly chats."

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now