This is Only the Beginning

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Sebastian had excused himself moments after Caroline's exit, leaving Vincent at the mercy of Cecilia Rookwood's admonishment. He had sighed in relief as he turned a corner, tuning out the groan of distress from his new employer and the Rookwood matriarch's lament on their 'poor mama'.

He could have laughed when he found her in the villa's library after dinner, escaping as always in the safety of shelves and books. Even in their younger years at Hogwarts, she had always sought the niches tucked into the library as opposed to the comfort of her dorm or the secrecy and privacy of the Undercroft. For many, like Sebastian, it was made worse considering the madam librarian, Agnes Scribner, made it impossible to search the shelves for any sort of resource material. He could never find anything without lining up to queue in front of the magical reference book on the second floor but Caroline... Caroline would seemingly be able to point him in any direction he needed. He needed a book detailing more about the blasted goblin rebellions? She would point him to the far recess of the second floor corner. He needed to brush up on his transfiguration spells before the first exam of term? She would snicker and lead him to the 'fundamentals for first years' directly across from Madam Scribner's desk. And he wanted a fun illicit spell to practice as a request for his birthday? She taught him his favorite, the blasting curse, and showed him how to access the Restricted Section for his own.

So, it should not have been a surprise to see her by the fire reading a book. But he was taken aback by the unladylike way she sat with her feet propped up and under her, in her rumpled black and white dress and the now unpinned locks of honey blonde hair. He stood at the doorway, thinking—she looked calmer, a bit happier just like she did back before all the mess.

"Can I help you?" She asked once she took notice of him, not once closing her book.

He simply stared, wondering if he should answer. There were many ways she could help him right now— be a bit more reasonable for one. And perhaps letting him have a moment to memorize her figure and features as she sat for study purposes later.

"Well then... if you're in need of anything I'm sure Tessie will be happy help you. Preferably elsewhere," she rolled her eyes, quipping as she refocused on her book.

Seriously? He narrowed his eyes as he sauntered slowly into the room, the thud of his footsteps earning her confusion. He was really trying here.

"Strange," he drawled, "I thought libraries held all the answers."

She snorted, closing her book to toss beside her before she stood walking past him with her head held high, "I'm sure they do—but if I were you, I would seriously consider asking Tessie. You've never been great at finding things on your own after all."

He bit his cheek, fighting the urge to snap at her as the scent of gardenias wafted away from him. Insufferable witch—he thought as he moved to her recently vacated seat by the fire.

Persuasion—he scoffed. Of course, she was still an Austen girl—he was comforted to know that at least had not changed.


He yawned, exhausted from the night prior—spending the late and early hours reading through that blasted Austen novel Caroline left in the library. It was a ridiculous premise of second chances at love in a broken engagement. He had half a mind to throw the book over the cliffs at the thought of her entertaining possible thoughts of a second chance at Phineas Black. But it was strange—as he sat by his open window halfway through the dense pages, he wondered if he could have such a second chance. Could he convince her, persuade her to give him a second chance?

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now