La Traviata

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Happy almost Lunar New Year and Happy Anniversary to Hogwarts Legacy!We last left off with Anne's curse and see the beginnings of her declining health (canon event). Sebastian has found and taken Gellert Grindewald's journal and begins his descent into the Dark Arts. He asked Ominis to help him learn the Patronus charm as a means to keep himself in check and make sure he has a reminder that all his efforts aren't for naught. And Caroline's relationship with friends and family are hanging in the balance of the impending future. Content Warnings ahead for future chapters: "Sick fic" (because Anne). Delving Into the Dark Arts. 



"I... I like you..."

Caroline's eyes widened, breath hitching, at the three little words. Her hand paused in its push of the books into their respective shelves, listening to the timid confession before her. She could not see much through the books but could tell it was yet another girl baring her feelings to Sebastian in the little corner by the window.

It was another Friday afternoon—most students electing to slip into Hogsmeade or roam through the grounds and get into mischief as much as Hogwarts would allow. The library was not a popular place for many students save for the bookishly inclined like Caroline and Sebastian.

This was normal—should have been normal. Another person confessing their love for Sebastian was not new—and the discomforting feeling settling in her chest was not an unfamiliar friend. The sheen of the bracelet under the sleeves of her wrist shone in the shadows as a long silence seeped through the crevices of the walls of the library.

She seemed a very pretty girl, from what Caroline could glean through the leather-bound books—dark hair, a lovely walking dress, and sweet voice. There was ardor in her words, reverence in her pleading face, and hope in the way she clasped her hands.

The sight of Sebastian's softened face sent a warm, discomforting feeling through her as the colors of twilight cupped his face through the windows. Slivers of orange pushed along his lips and under his eyes while dusky violet caressed his jaw and cheek. And despite how handsome he looked, he still seemed tired, resigned, and regretful as he gazed upon the poor girl.

"My apologies," she heard Sebastian say, "You seem lovely but... I'm sorry."

'This was also normal'—Caroline thought, feeling a coolness embrace her. He had never returned another's feelings. Publicly at least. It jarred her at first, to hear of his exploits among the girls in her year—being pulled into broom closets, between bookshelves, or into empty classrooms. For someone as charming as Sebastian Sallow—the grandest gestures seemed the only way to capture his attentions. They had to make it memorable after all.

"Is it... is it someone else?"


A common question—as Caroline heard time and again in the corridors with Anne and Ominis as they waited for Sebastian to re-emerge... Often it was with a certain annoyance on his face and a tearful girl running off at Ominis' snarls. Other times, it was covered in rouge, tie askew as Anne berated him for taking much too long. And in those moments, he always had a remorseful smile ready aimed at Caroline before the sight of Ominis' wand would blast his face with a barrage of 'Scourgifies'.

"Is it that girl?"


"Caroline? Caroline Rookwood? Is it her?"

Her ears perked, heart beating faster at the question. She also knew his answer to this— a laugh, sometimes loud, sometimes long, and sometimes laced with anxiety and always followed by more apologies. But the tense silence that followed was enough to take her breath away as she gripped the wood shelves. 'Would he...? Did he...?'

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora