Interlude: Taught and Learned Part 3(Accio)

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Notes: Improper use of Nonverbal Spells.

Content Warning: Praise Kink, Edging, Oral, uhh... oh-- misuse of diffindo.

Happy weekend!



He should have known.

In the many years Sebastian had known Caroline, life had never seemed to remain perfectly still—always following an ebb and flow. So, when the inevitable moment in their time together had taken the rose-colored lenses from his eyes, he was reminded quite firmly that she, was indeed an insufferable swot.

"It's not funny," he said, glaring daggers at Caroline as she sat across from him in the Undercroft.

"It is a little funny."

Of course, she found it funny—the little minx—he thought, pouting as she fell into another bout of laughter, his fingers twitching around the handle of his wand. Clearing his throat, he brushed back his hair, a dusting sparkle of pink fluttering down along his lap.

"Colovaria? Seriously why in Merlin's bloody balls do you think I would want to change my hair to look like that forsaken shade Tugwood wears? I'd sooner go to Madam Snelling than learn... this."

"Oh, perk up," she snorted, a quick twist of her wand sending a cool breeze to settle around him, "These are the fundamentals, Sebastian. And to be able to nonverbally cast more advanced spells, you should at least try to master these."

"Yes, but... colovaria?"

"Fine," she gave him a roll of her eyes, "We can try Fera Verto."

"Because in the hopes that I'm in need of a drink out in the wild, I can be assured by drinking from a weirdly shaped mouse? No, thank you!"

"Alohomora? You seem to have liked learning that spell. Or how about colloportus?"

"That was only useful for getting into the Restricted Section," he groused, "And seeing as Agnes has sordidly removed such charms, thanks to yours truly. And why the bloody hell would I need a locking charm?"

"Orchideous," she sighed, "A nice bouquet ought to charm the examiner, don't you think?"

"And have them take me away from you? I'd hate to see that," he smirked at the rising heat to her cheeks.

"You did fine with Incendio though—"

"But that's a useful spell," he groaned, "I can actually use that for something."

"Alright—fine. Lumos?"

"I've Incendio for that."

"Spongify," she said matter of factly.

"Because I'd want my opponents to have a lovely lie in when I'm sending them careening across the courtyard? Really?"


"It would be easier and faster to cast a verbal spell on an unsuspecting enemy."

Caroline groaned, "Your reasoning isn't going to convince an examiner to change their mind—"

"But these are useless! I already know the things I need to learn—what purpose will this serve me in the future?"

"Be that as it may—you need to learn these last bits for NEWTs."

His groan echoed around the Undercroft, shoulders sagging as Caroline closed her books, "I still have Quidditch practice—do you have any idea how insane Imelda is about the last game?"

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