Interlude: Taught and Learned Part 2

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Caroline hadn't expected it—to be given a confession of love. Nor did she expect Sebastian to shower her with all the ways he loved her in such a fashion. Certainly not upon a wooden floor on his cloak of all things.

The embers in the fireplace dwindled to a soft glow, the sound of the waves beyond the door and little cabin mixing with his light snores. She was propped up, studying him as he slept, counting the light freckles on his face.

"Thought staring was improper for a lady," he mumbled, his eyes fluttering blearily open and smirking at her.

"Improper?" she scoffed with a smile, "Improper would be describing all the ways you've taken me on this floor. I should note that I'll likely be sore tomorrow because of you."

"Sore but not tired, it seems?" he laughed.

"Not entirely sore yet... though definitely not tired," she cast him a stare, quirking her brows.

"Hmm, if the lady says please I might be inclined to tire her so," he muttered, running his fingers through her hair to pull her in for a soft kiss.

"And if I should want you to say please instead?" she asked, the breath of her question hovering between them as she bat her lashes prettily for him. Caroline's hands travelled along his bare form, stopping just a shy away from the jaunt between his legs before making its feathery way back up to rest at his heart.

I love you—could be said in many ways. They were three simple words intent to convey a larger feeling along with actions. And though actions were aplenty between the two of them, Sebastian could likely conclude that the simple phrase could be laced and wrapped around their words of affirmation and encouragement. But to hear and feel such words around their everyday, teasing banter? Their wit and cheek? It was scorching, bewitching, and addicting all at once.

"Please, Caroline," he hissed, pulling her in for a deep kiss. He gasped, tangling his hands through her hair as her tongue caressed his, the softness of her lips pressing and peppering its way along his jaw. The tickle of her breath along his ear mimicking his own teasing hours earlier—Merlin, he wasn't certain if he should be more terrified how fast a learner she was or the ease she slipped into their little exchange of theirs.

"Hmm, I do believe I shall need better instructions than just please, Sebastian," the weight of her body slid atop his with her leg falling over his torso as the curtain of her hair modestly fell down her bare chest.

Merlin's saggy— "Caroline—do not make me flip us over," he ground out, peering up at her.

"Be fair," she laughed, grounding her hips along his—the twitch of his member rising with her movements, "You had your time to study me—you can at least allow me to study you so I can return the favor."

"You return the favor plenty," he groaned, bucking against her, "I enjoyed marking you." He felt her shiver as his hands ran along her legs, noting the bruising kisses he had left in his wake hours prior as his eyes raked down what was visible on her neck, chest, and tracing his marks left on her hips.

"I enjoyed it just the same," she pouted, peering down at him seriously, "But would you?"

"Would I?" he asked, pausing the circles of his fingers, blinking curiously. Such a thought never occurred to him—always thinking it was simply an instinctive response. How would it feel to not just have Caroline's kisses tracing down his neck? How would it be to feel the nip and bruise of her kisses against his skin? He whimpered at the thought, "Do it. Please."

The curtain of her honey blonde hair fell with the dip of her head, his eyes rolling at the simple suck and nip at the jaunt of his neck. It stung, the sharpness addictive as it sent a rush of blood south. He could feel the heat of her body move lower, the nips and suck on his skin sending gooseflesh to carve along his arms. He was half wanting to throw his head back but was transfixed by the flutter of lashes as she stared up at him with each lowering mark of her kisses. The halo of her hair was feathery against his thighs as she marked the outer of his hips with a sly smile, her fingers brushing along the appendage between his legs.

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