Good Intentions

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Intention was a word wrapped around every good deed and every bad decision. It served as a purpose, a goal, and excuse. Intention was the very line separating oneself from impulse, from choices that born pride or regret, and from magic that sought to heal or harm.

The wizarding world, for as long as Ominis could remember, could only see what was laid before them. Magic was ingrained—it could only serve its purpose with the intent of the user.

Some were created with the intent to aid. Incendio offered light and warmth. Vulnera Sanentur mended scratches, righting what was damaged. Protego sought to shield one from unwanted spells.

Others became magic that sought to harm—those seeped within the branches of the dark arts. Fiendfyre became monstrous flames, wielded from the caster's emotions. Diffindo inflicted deep wounds upon foes. Protego diabolica destroyed the witch or wizard's enemies that dared to step closer.

And then there were those that were marked 'Unforgivable'. Magic that carved and held fast to one's heart and soul, corrupting, snaking darkness into each crevice until it pulled its host in the pit of despair.

Ominis Gaunt could likely say that at fourteen years old, dark magic had likely only taken a fourth of his humanity. And he was determined not to fall prey to dark magic's grasp and fall like most of his family.


"Teach me."

"What?" Ominis asked with a raised brow as he pulled back the covers of his bed. There was a desperation of Sebastian's voice that sent a heat rushing through him as he fought down a blush. It was a voice Ominis often heard in his dreams and occasionally woke to as he fought sleep's hold in the morning. But this voice sounded low, gruff, dangerous, and hungry in its plea, "What in Salazar's name do you need to learn the Patronus charm for?"

"I..." the sudden silence made Ominis knit his brows—his feet moving away from the promise of sleep towards Sebastian's bed, "I thought it would be a fun spell to learn."

Ominis crossed his arms, the slight pitch in Sebastian's voice making him frown—he was lying, "We both know there are far more different spells that likely call to you or would be better suited to assist in your duels. What exactly are you needing the Patronus charm for? Blinding your opponents in Crossed wands with proof of your happiness?"

"Yes! No... no," Sebastian sighed, "I just... 'need' to learn it."



"Enlighten me," Ominis' attempt to press was met with a staunch stillness, "Because from what I gather—the patronus charm only serves very little function—mainly to ward off dementors in Azkaban. And as I can conclude, there are no dementors here and I doubt Hogwarts would be host to such creatures."

"And yet, you happen to know it," Sebastian huffed.

He bristled at the annoyance in his tone, squaring his shoulders as his nails dug into his arms, all but swallowing venom at his friend's remark, "Yes—'I' know it. For the sole purpose of ensuring my own sanity against my family. Or did you forget that they're experts and lovers of the dark arts?" Ominis' jaw was tense, holding back from further berating Sebastian. Anne was certainly in a predicament and it was quite taking a toll on him but he was damned if he would allow Sebastian to drag others into his misery.

"Ominis... I'm sorry..."

"Apologies won't weasel you out of answering the question, Sebastian," he snorted, "So please—do tell. Why exactly are you wanting to learn the Patronus charm?"

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now