Highs and Lows

37 2 6

Trigger Warnings: Violence, Gaunt Family trauma/ dealings, Unforgivables



Ominis was spending the first part of summer at Feldcroft, relishing in the warmth of the sun and saltiness of the sea air. It was infinitely more refreshing than Little Hangleton. Though the villagers were wary of him being a Gaunt, the Sallows were more than welcoming of his arrival—at least most of them.

There was a hesitance in Solomon Sallow's voice during their introduction, a slight distrust given his family name, but Anne and Sebastian's uncle merely grunted, sighing that if it was agreeable to his taste, meals would be a simple fare. He supposed he shocked Solomon into silence from the eagerness he tucked into the Cullen skink during his first dinner there. And earned his hum of approval judging from the sound of laughter in the twins' voices when he tore into the bannock.

Nights were spent playing gobstones, reading, and talking by the fire with the twins until Solomon had enough of the smell, grumbling and sending them all off to bed. Days were subsequently spent roaming around the fields or beaches of Feldcroft, speaking with the inhabitants and doing their best to stay out of trouble—whatever out of trouble meant for the twins at least.

For the most part, Solomon Sallow was usually absent during daylight—patrolling the little hamlet and other surrounding villages and usually returning home far later than normal. A common habit, according to Anne and Sebastian, since his unfortunate termination from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"Isaac!" Anne shouted, the sound of her distant footsteps leaving Ominis alone with Sebastian.

"Ugh..." he heard the groan next to him.

"Not a fan of Cooper, I take it?" Ominis chuckled, "He seems a nice enough fellow. Very polite, smart, helpful."

"Yes, yes—I'm well aware," Sebastian grumbled, "He's a fine enough fellow—but seriously... Anne thinks much too highly of him."

"Should she not? They're good friends, aren't they? I rather think her good opinion is well earned," Ominis hummed, the dirt and gravel turning to the soft crunch of sand beneath their feet.

"She's much too good for him. And Isaac is far too different for her—he would be better suited for someone else like... like—"

"Imelda? A Quidditch aficionado?"

"Merlin's beard, no! She's much too brash for him!"

"Grace? For her kindness? Nerida and all her whimsy?" Ominis chuckled, hearing the snort from Sebastian's voice, "Or perhaps... Caroline?"

"Caroline?" Ominis heard the slight pitch in Sebastian's voice, laced with disgust and derision, "Definitely not Caroline. Never her—"

"Why ever not? She's just as charming, kind, helpful—"

"Not. Caroline."

Ominis frowned, biting his cheek to stem the ache in his heart. Though Sebastian's words were laced with disgust, he doubted it was towards Caroline herself. 'He' liked her. And was idiotic enough not to admit it.

"I can understand your own concern for Anne but what shall you do when Caroline does find a young gentleman more than agreeable?"

"She can't—"

"You've hardly any reason to deny her such opportunity. Because..." Ominis paused, taking in the scent of the salty air and letting the sound of the waves roll over him, "It's only a matter of 'when' Caroline ends up admitting to herself one day that she fancies someone..."

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora