Ch 54: Misunderstandings

24 3 14

CW: nongraphic blood?



"I'm not going to the Hospital Wing!"

Caroline held back a groan, gripping her wand as she stood in front of Vincent, watching him hiss at the cuts on his chest and arms. Imelda had woken her, fear laced in her voice as she muttered something about extra Quidditch practice, Natty, blood, and Vincent's name.

"You're hurt," she said.

"I... just need a Wiggenweld," he growled, taking her offered cloth to dampen the cut, "And a blood-replenishing potion. Which I can get at J Pipin's in the morning."

"No—you need Madam Blainey—"

"Madam Blainey will have questions!"

"I have questions!" she whispered tersely, looking around the secluded alcove, "I thought you were with Papa! What happened? Is he alright? Who—"

"Stop! Caroline, just stop!" Vincent glared at her, "You don't get to have questions!"

"I don't get to have questions?" She bristled, clenching her hands as she turned on her feet, "Funny... because I think Mama—"

"Don't you dare—" he winced as he grabbed her wrist, an anguished whine falling from his lips, "Just—for the love of all Merlin, Caroline—please, please just let it go. I'm fine! I'll be fine!"

She took in his form, the state of his dress shirt as he sat back in the armchair, the blood still pooling to stain the cloth as he clutched it close before she nodded tersely and rushed down the steps to the common room.

"Melly," Caroline sighed, rushing over as she pulled her hair into a bun, "Do me a favor and make sure he doesn't leave there, understood? Under no circumstances."

"What?!" she cried, "Wait—where are you going?"

"If he's not going to the Hospital Wing, then I'll just have to go and bring him the bloody potions."

"Are you serious?"

Caroline could only give her a pleading smile before she raised her wand to wave, letting the disillusionment charm settle around her, "Just keep him awake."

"If he dies, Care—"

"If he even thinks of dying, tell him I'll give his ashes to Anne—I'll be back soon!"

She could hear Imelda's swears as she climbed up the stairs to the entrance and the darkened corridors. She sighed, clutching her robe tightly around her, moving quickly and quietly towards the Hospital Wing. The portraits snored, her figure clinging to the shadows at the sound of footsteps and waiting with bated breath as the patrolling professors ambled away to their quarters for the night.

A chance look around the wing showed no Madam in sight, the few beds occupied had their curtains drawn tightly around their occupants before she threw the spell off her—her shadow moving across the floor under the moonlit sky.

'Alohomora,' she thought, willing the spell through her wand to the locked cabinet of potions, the quiet click sending her sighing with relief as she opened it, eyes scanning through from the top, 'Green... green.. green...'


Caroline jumped, turning sharply to see the face of a curious Madam Blainey—hands crossed across her chest and leveling her with a stare, "Madam!"

"Why, Ms. Rookwood—if you were looking for another contraceptive potion, all you must do is ask. I don't keep them in that cabinet," she sighed, opening the door to her office.

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