On the Tail of Time

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It was a well-known fact that gold and coin could promise one anything their hearts desired. But while there were those like the Gaunts and Rookwoods who could afford to shower loved ones with little trinkets, Sebastian Sallow could only freely promise two things—his knowledge and his time.

"I... like you..."

Sebastian's smile clenched—blonde, lithe, and nervous were the words he would use to describe the girl before him.

"I've fancied you since second year," she said, fluttering her lashes at him.

A pang of longing roiled in his stomach. He had always wanted to hear those words and yet— eyes as blue as the sea stared back at him. 'This' was not the mesmerizing green eyes from his dreams, the ones that embraced him with a cheeky stare, or the ones that gave him a glimpse of the brightness of the world around him. No—this was just another girl.

'This' was not Caroline—he thought, the taste of bile rising as Ominis' words rang in hears, '...I like you, Caroline.'

He should have expected it... shouldn't have assumed that Ominis would never grow fond of Caroline that way. Should have known... should have seen it...

"I'm—" he started, shifting from one foot to the other.

This girl was pouting, her hands beginning to shake as they pleaded with him, and her blue eyes welled with tears. He should have felt terrible—felt a semblance of remorse for the rejection he was about to issue to the girl before him. Because 'this' was not Caroline.

And yet, the sting of rejection felt heavier in his chest at the thought of the night prior. His best friend and the girl he—no. He wouldn't dare ask her 'that'. How could he even think of asking her to wait for him?

Did Caroline even like...No—he shut his eyes, that wasn't true. She liked everyone—Imelda, Grace, Nerida, even Violet. Even if she liked Ominis... then surely, it wasn't anything more than a friendly feeling. But... what if— 'Stop—stop! You've no time for that!' His mind screamed at him—'Not when Anne...'

"I'm sorry... I—I have to go," he said, a clip sounding in his voice as he strode past the girl without a second glance behind him. Thoughts of the girl, Caroline, and any form of affection were left in the back of his mind. Because right now—

'Imelda was going to slaughter him'.


"You're late," he flinched, running a hand through his hair, another apology ready on his lips, "Actually—you're not 'just' late, Sallow. You've missed practice. Again."

He shook his head, curling his lip into a pout as he mustered the courage to meet Imelda's gaze, "I was at the library—"

"Researching—yes! I'm aware," she growled, turning to lash the flying bludgers around the field to the box between them, "Don't mistake me—no one is stopping you from helping Anne. Merlin knows, I want her back just as much. But this?"

Sebastian bit his cheek, tamping the anger down as he stood there, fisting his fingers around the edges and cuffs of his robes, "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" Imelda huffed, snapping the Quidditch box shut.

"What do you want me to do, Imelda?" he yelled, "You didn't see her! No one's there for her, no one's helping her. What do you think I'm doing? I'm using my time trying to find a cure. I'm barely making it past classes but I'm trying. I'm here, aren't I?"

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now