Chapter 7: Why?

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How ridiculous—he thought as he flipped through the pages of his potions book at dinner, his girlfriend leaving him alone to eat dinner while she had gone to sit with Charlotte Morrison and Leander Prewett of all people—something about discussing how to improve Summoner's Court. They had been having rows all weekend since he compromised with Ominis on full use of their room for Caroline. He would return every morning to an empty room and the scent of gardenias wafting from Ominis' bed.

What a load of hypocrites, he thought gritting his teeth. Caroline, discreet? Everyone knew she was in their room with Ominis all the time. They walked together, studied together, and ate together all the bloody time. Clearly something was happening between the two— and now, he thought as he cast a quick glare down a few seats at the Slytherin table, now Phineas Black was gracing them with his presence. Not a social climber, his arse— his fingers twitched at the sound of Caroline's soft laughter floating down the table.

The bloke was a nice enough fellow, rarely used his family name or connection to the Headmaster as leverage, unlike a certain other person he knew. They had very few classes together in their time at Hogwarts, but Phineas Black was smart even if he skipped classes, kind, never mired in scandal, and helpful to all their peers regardless of his father's very public position on blood status.

How in Salazar's name did those two meet?

"So what position do you play? Are you a fine chaser like Melly here?" He heard Caroline ask.

"Unfortunately, I leave the fine chasing to Captain Imelda, Pucey, and Sallow," he heard Black respond, "I, however, am a keeper."

"Are you, now?" Sebastian's stomach flipped, was she flirting? Caroline Rookwood did not flirt— she was bossy, a prude, and always stuck in those bloody books. He should know— they studied endlessly at the library when they were younger. And despite not speaking, he knew she was at that little table by the window.

"Enough that you can help Slytherin win the cup and clearly not enough that you can take Melly's throws on the pitch?" He heard her tease much to Imelda's shouts of joy.

Phineas Black laughed loudly sending a few curious gazes their way before he quieted down, if Sebastian had been anywhere else he would not have heard, "Why don't you find out and watch practice tomorrow? Let me prove how much of a keeper I am."

Oh joy...he was going to have to deal with Caroline on the pitch as well.


"Are you still cross with me? Sebby, you have no reason to be jealous."

"Jealous of whom?" He asked as he continued to write his potions essay in the Slytherin common room, not at all wanting to step foot into the girls' room or in his— knowing Caroline and Ominis were chatting or whatever they called it these days. The ink at the end of his sentence blotted much to his dismay as he continued the train wreck of an essay Professor Sharpe assigned in lieu of beginning to brew the Amortentia the following day.


He had expected the scent of roses to waft from the cauldron, but the primary scent that wafted was one he was most familiar with.

It was the scent that would be prevalent the days after she and Anne would commandeer his bed for girl's night. It was the scent of her hugs when they came back from summer. And it was the sent that remained on his pillows and bed after he would kick her out for stealing under his covers.

Sins of the Father | Sebastian  x OFC (Caroline Rookwood) | Ominis  x GarrethWhere stories live. Discover now