Part 5

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Khushi: I.. I dont know who you are.. But.. Why.. why are you doing this?

There was a long pause after her question as he kept looking in her eyes finding an answer for her.

Arnav: I dont know why I am doing this .. All I know is that I want you for myself.. Khooshi..!!

He said it so casually. He wanted her for himself ?What is that suppose to mean? What did he intend to do with her? She picked the knife from the table which was used to cut the cake and then pointed it at him moving a step back.

Khushi: Move back.. (she stammered).. Did you hear? Stay . stay away from me..

She was commanding and he never liked that. He stepped towards her while she kept moving back slowly. Within few seconds he reached her and she again had to point the knife at him but without any fear Arnav caught hold of the knife's edge , not bothering it was pricking his palm and making him bleed. The moment she saw him bleeding, she left the knife and stopped struggling too. The knife dropped down as her eyes fixed on his bleeding palm. She was about to run away from this spot but he caught her hand and pulled her back to him. Tears started rolling down her eyes blurring her vision. He wished to wipe off those tears but as he moved his fingers towards her face , she turned away not allowing him do so. Once again a pain of rejection shadowed his soft side making him a bit aggressive. He called out his security and pushed Khushi towards them.

Arnav (Commading the guards): Throw her back...

He left the place. It was so shocking for any girl like Khushi to be given the honour of being treated like a Princess on her birthday, making her enjoy her dreams of celebrating her birthday at the favourite place, before Taj Mahal, the symbol of true love and then suddenly she was been treated like an ugly toy with which no child would like to play with? She felt absolutely humiliated . It wasnt long that she was boarded the Chopper and by now she had realised where his guards were taking her. They were dropping her back to the same place she was been picked from. .. DELHI.. The entire journey she kept sobbing sitting at the corner seat and hoping this would never happen to her again. Today was supposed to be the best day of the year but an unknown man who seemed to be no less than a Psycho spoiled it .


Delhi - Laxmi Nagar

She ran in the arms of her brother Akash Gupta who was about to reach the Police and inform about his sister missing from few hours. Every member of the family was worried for her. Akash hugged Khushi back and tried to console her stating everything will be fine. Khushi's tears were unstoppable today but she was relieved of reaching her family again and that too safe and sound. Though Akash asked her many questions on where she had been , Khushi was in a shocked stage still not allowing her to answer anything clearly. Nani and ANjali asked Akash to allow Khushi some rest and these questions can be asked later. They both took Khushi back to her room while Shyam and Akash sat on the couch thinking what could have happened?


Lavanya's Counselling Clinic

He stormed inside Lavanya's cabin without even caring she was already busy with other appointment. Seeing him there , with all those voilent expressions on his face, made her realise she needed to attend him more than anybody else. She apolozised to her existing patient asking her to wait outside for some time and then polietly came to Arnav.

Lavanya: This is my Clinic ASR.. You cannot just come here and interrupt when I am counselling others.
Arnav: Stop giving me such nonsense advises..
Lavanya: (Sighed): Looks like someone has managed to press your wrong nerve today. Get in and tell me whats the matter?

Arnav: (Very frustrated): You have no idea what she did today. I feel like ..I feel like burning everything that comes my way.. I..
Lavanya: Sshh!! Relax.!! Just calm your nerves and sit here.
Arnav: (Shoving her hands off): Double the dose.
Lavanya: What?
Arnav: Now !!

Lavanya: ASR.. Its not needed .Not everytime injecting medicines can cure your inner frustrations. Its unadvisable. And being your Dr , I am not doing that.
Arnav: Fine.. There are hundreds of other counsellor's who can treat me my way. .I dont need you.

He took a turn to leave but Lavanya stopped him.

Lavanya: Okay fine. Just tell me what happened and if I could do nothing to get your problem cured by my advises, I will double the dose for you. Happy?

This seemed to be working for him. He got inside the room and took his seat. Lavanya had to be very sure of what she promises him. He was unlike her other patients who listened everything she advises to them for being cured. Arnav Singh Raizada was the only one example for her in all these years of practice who got treatment the way he wanted it to be. Arnav explained everything that happened in Agra today, until Lavanya bandaged his wound on palm. She had not expected ASR to organise so much for any girl's birthday. Seemed like this girl whoever she was , might be a problem to him if ever she denies his proposal.

Arnav: She denied me Lavanya.. !! I gave her the best birthday today and what she did ? She wounded me? Made me bleed ? Stopped me from wiping her tears? She pointed a knife at me? How dare she?

Lavanya: Hmm. She could dare because she is a strong girl ASR.. And believe me any other girl in her place would have done the same. You did nothing wrong in giving her the best birthday but your way of proposing her to be all yours was scary. How can you think a girl will agree to such a proposal from an unknown man. ? How much does she know you? Can I suggest you something?
Arnav: No you cant.!! You just double this damm dose because I want to forget that sick girl. She doesnt deserve me nor my best treatment.. She is such a waste!!

He was too quick in making wrong conclusions at times. But will he stick to what he decided ? She just hoped .Being a clever Dr , she knew what she had to do . She wanted to advise him to stop thinking about that girl for sometime but since he himself wished the same, she didnt had to do anything much. She agreed to double his regular weekly dose of suppressent which helped him reduce his anxiety and anger but while injecting it, she just used the same concentration, lieing to him that she had increased it from normal range.

Lavanya: I dont prefer injecting such sedatives to any of my patients unless its really necessary ASR.. So please .. Just stick to what you decided and trust me all will be good .This is not the time where you can think of any girl in your life .You have to keep yourself occupied so that you stop getting the thoughts of her. I will fix our appointment next week and by then I am sure you will be alright. This so called girl will be out of your mind till then.

He didnt wait a minute more after getting what he wanted. He left her clinic and she continued with her next appointments.


Laxmi Nagar

Hearing what happened with Khushi, the entire family were baffled. Can this even happen ? Some unknown rich personality can just kidnap Khushi for celeberating her birthday just like she always dreamt of ? Why? Akash's blood was boiling with the mere thought of the words that the unknown man asked his little baby sister as a reason for doing all this favour. He wanted her for himself? What is that supposed to mean? He fisted his fingers getting up from the sofa.

Akash: This is untolerable. No one can play with my sister. We have to file a case against him.
Shyam (Getting up): Akash. This is not that easy as you thinking it to be. Saali Saheba (Khushi) doesnt even know his name. And most importantly he is a rich man. You think such police case will threaten him not to repeat this mistake again?
Akash: Then Jeejaji what else do you expect us to do? Didnt you see how scared Khushi was? And he being rich or not is not my concern, I will fight for my sister's safety.
Shyam: I know Akash. I too want to fight for that. But not now. This is too early. Look , what Saali Saheba told us makes me believe he will not bother her anymore. Otherwise he wouldnt have sent her back so easily. Lets not do anything at this moment which can rage that man unnecessarily and backfire on us.
Anjali: You mean we should keep waiting until he tries such act again?
Shyam: No Rani Saheba. I mean what if he doesnt do anything again? I am a lawyer and I have dealt with such cases before. I wont give you all a wrong advise.

Nani: He is right Akash. Lets not create any more trouble for Khushi. She is not out of this incident yet. It was so difficult for me and Anjali to put her to sleep. Lets try making her feel she will never face this again as we all will be extra cautious henceforth. Only that will help her forget this .

The family agreed to what Nani decided .Might be this would really help. But was it that easy?


Raizada House

Arnav was sitting on the bed , watching the scar on his palm which was the return gift that SHE gave today, forgetting all the efforts that he made to make her birthday praise worthy . He had purposely taken off the bandage without letting it heal this wound because he wanted to enjoy the pain. Its only this Pain that connects him to her now. He got up from the bed and tried concentrating on his work. Some random papers which needed his signatures. He started signing but the flashes of today's birthday cake cutting once again clouded his mind. The way she was blindfolded, he holding her hands and leading her towards the cake, everything was magical. He never felt this for anyone else , with anyone else. He threw the papers aside trying to concentrate back on something else than her but it was so unfruitful. She was everywhere he didnt wanted her to be. He tried to remember the resolve he had made before Lavanya of forgetting this girl because she was nothing but a waste in his life. But everything seemed impossible for him tonight. Rushing to the wardrobe , he opened the drawer and picked her Anklet from it.
Not even few hours had passed that he had promised himself not to think about her and here he was changing his mind again, that was her effect on him. He passed a wide smirk to her Anklet which was tinkling due to the gust of wind blowing inside the room.

Arnav: Kitna kuch karna padega tumhe yahan laane ke liye Khooshi.!! Be ready for it. (What all I will have to do to get you here Khooshi. Be ready for it.)

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