Part 8

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Arnav: So we are meeting tomorrow sharp at 05:00. I will not have to get you there using my ways, I HOPE.!!

She didnt respond to him because the more he demanded things from her, the more she felt scared. But did she have any choice than to accept? But why should she allow some unknown man rule her life? Who was he to decide she should be spending time with him or not? And why should she do this? Her mind was juggling for these answers. Finding her lost in some thoughts, he clicked his fingers before her face once.

Arnav: I am talking to you Sweetheart..!!

He purposely stressed on the word "Sweetheart" leaving its impact on her. She flinched again when he cornered her and tried to get her hands free. He realised how uncomfortable she was at the moment with her hands tied.

Arnav: Allow me.!!

He tried to untie her hands but she moved away only to rage him somemore..He never liked when she gave such negative responses. He picked the knife from the small basket of fruits kept on the table aside. She was thrilled again thinking what his next moves will be. Dragging her towards him he cut the scarf that had tied her arms together, setting her free. She felt like a bird who was in the cage from ages and was dying to fly away. She was going to run but he caught her arms warning her one last time.

Arnav: Dont forget tomorrow's meet otherwise you will have nothing to forget thereafter.!!

His warnings were haunting her because they always came with extra fear. She didnt wait any longer after he left her hands allowing her to go. She ran outside the door from where he had got her in. With her full strength and energy she managed to get outside the gates of Raizada house. She had no idea where she was running, suddenly she realised being very close to a speedy car which was coming in her direction. She screamed aloud closing her eyes and stopping at the spot. Luckily the car too had the breakes applied on the right time. Lavanya Kshyap got down the car and rushed towards Khushi to check if she was fine. The moment Lavanya touched her ,Khushi opened her eyes and finding a known person before her, she couldnt stop hugging her tight for saving her life and coming to her rescue. !!

Khushi and the entire Gupta family knew Lavanya only as Akash's friend. A good friend. She was sometimes a part of their festivals as a guest and none of them even had an idea Akash and Lavanya even had a relationship beyond friendship. Akash wanted to get himself settled before he can let his family know about his love. The reason was simple. If they get to know this, they will always hurry for their marriage which he was reluctant to do at the moment. He wanted to get Khushi married first and meanwhile also be stable in his work life afterwhich he can decide to start his own family. Lavanya had always agreed to his thoughts and she respected them fully.

Lavanya made Khushi sit in her Car and took her to a secluded place where they can talk freely without any disturbances. She knew from where Khushi was returning because she had seen her running out from Raizada House gates. Lavanya just wanted to help Khushi come out of this trouble which her new patient Arnav Singh Raizada was giving her unneccessarily. Khushi told her everything that had happened with her right from day 1 she met this man till today when he didnt mind her kidnapping again from her college.!!

Khushi (Crying softly): I dont even know his name Lavanya.. What am I supposed to do? How will I come out of this problem? He has called me to meet him tomorrow. And if I dont, he will do something more horrible . I .. I am scared Lavanya. I am very scared.. !!

Lavanya: (consoling her): Khushi please dont be afraid. I am here to sort this matter. Dont you trust me?
Khushi: No one can sort this Lavanya. No one knows him except me..!! Only I have seen him..
Lavanya: I know him too.. !!

Lavanya told Khushi how she had met Akash the other day who had informed her everything about this matter.

Khushi: You know him? But how?
Lavanya: My profession doesnt let me discuss my patients case history with anyone else but since this matter is worsening and affecting innocent girl like you, I will have to go against my profession and let you know everything Khushi..

Khushi's tears had stopped flowing because she just wanted to know what Lavanya had to tell her about this man..

Lavanya: He is Arnav Singh Raizada.. !! A rich business tycoon of US who is settling some of his business branch even here in Delhi. I am his Counselor.. From past few months. When he came initially to me, I was not sure if there was really anything wrong with him for me to treat but yes later as days passed and we kept discussing his life, I realised he is suffering from Psychological loneliness. He never told me much about his family or his past but he is alone at the present, having no one whom he can call his own. That makes him stay isolated but this isnt good on a longer term. He is aggressive and needs sedatives at times to control his anger and frustration. He has no one to guide what is right and wrong for him. I have seen such patients in my life who needs people around to get them cured but he is little different from those. He doesnt need people around, living alone gives peace to his mind but not his heart. Somewhere deep down his heart he wants a person in his life and probably he has chosen one now..

Khushi knew what Lavanya pointed at. That means She was the one whom he wanted to keep as HIS forever?

Khushi :He.. He is a Psycho? He needs treatment Lavanya, not a woman who can complete his life.!! He cannot force anyone to be his or spend time with him.
Lavanya: I agree, he cannot do that. But he is doing it Khushi. People like him who have power and money floating in their hands, can use them to any extent to let such things happen. He has chosen you , for some unknown reasons but if you dont agree to what he wants, he can use all his power to destroy not just you but also people related to you. And if this is about Arnav Singh Raizada, I can believe he can do anything.!!

Khushi was getting hyper by now. She got up and came to Lavanya.

Khushi: What do you mean Lavanya? I should allow him to do anything with me? What if he misuses my agreeing nature and crosses line ? Who will be responsible for that?
Lavanya: Khushi, such people if ignored can be worse but if they are treated with little maturity and care , I am sure they will never cross lines.
Khushi (In rage): Treating such Pshyco's is your profession Lavanya, not mine. I cannot risk my life spending time with a man like him..
Lavanya: I am neither forcing you to . But then all I can suggest is be ready to face the consequences. It can be worst. I just dont want Akash and you all to be in any kind of problems. Thats why I suggested this. But being a girl and understanding what you going through, I will never force you to. All this is now in your hands. Play with the fire or get burnt!!

Khushi was so much confused. SHe didnt know what to think or reply. She picked her bag and left the place.


That whole night Khushi just kept thinking what had happened today. ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA.. She never knew such a Royal name will haunt her mind and heart forever now. Will she have to live in fear everytime of when he will forcefully kidnap her again and take her away from her family? Will she always have to live in that confusion what he will do to her family if she doesnt turn up to his demands? What if he hurts her Bhai? Di? Jeejaji? No.. She cannot let that happen? She will have to find a way to stop all this.

She got up and stood at the window watching the moon , trying to find the answers .. Suddenly Lavanya's way of handling this matter popped in her mind. But was it so easy to keep spending time with this man ? What if his passion for her keeps on increasing and he never thinks of letting her go away from his life? But she will have to take a chance. She will have to play with this fire no matter if she gets burnt in it because both the way, she will have to suffer the pain, if any just because she wants her family safe.. She dialed Lavanya quickly to tell her she was ready for this and to know what should be their next actions from now on..


Next Day - Evening - Serene Point - 5:00pm

He checked his watch sitting on the table alone and mumbled to himself..

Arnav: I should teach her to be punctual. She cannot waste my time like this.

He scanned the entrance of this place again to see if she was coming. The waiter came at his table to take the Order. Little did this poor soul knew what a bad timing it was to mess with Arnav Singh Raizada at this hour..

Arnav (Angrily at the waiter): Cant you understand I am waiting for someone to come? Just get the hell out of here if you dont wish to lose your Job..!!

The waiter shivered by this warning and turned away never to return back at this table for taking any order. Arnav was just calming his anger down when suddenly his eyes fell on her. Cladded in a Pink Chudidar, fiddling with the ends of the Dupatta, she entered inside , scanning around to check where he was. So she came? That was a pleasant surprise , he thought..!! He got up from his chair, giving her a clear vision of where she needed to head from here. She gulped down her fear and tried to be as normal as she could. Thats what Lavanya had asked her to do. She reached his table and raised her gaze towards his face.

Arnav held her arm and was about to raise it to his lips to give her a formal thank for coming here , but the moment she realised what he was upto she withdrew her hand with a force.

Arnav: (Sighed but never pounced on her with anger for this negative gesture): You saved my efforts to get you here..
Khushi: Make this quick. I have work at home.!!
Arnav: They make you work?
Khushi: They are my family. And to assist them is my duty.!
Arnav ( pulled a chair for her): That explains why you so thin. I will appoint a maid to do your part of responsibilities there.
She sat on the chair and he took his ..

Khushi: I dont need it. And all this , my family is unaware. Neither do I want them to know.
Arnav: (Smirked): You are giving me a chance to blackmail you then at some point later.. !!

Khushi gulped again and this time it was so noticable to his prying eyes on her.

Arnav: Unless you keep following my commands ..

She didnt knew why but his eyes spoke million words with this one sentence that came from his mouth. She chose to remain silent and looked at the table again. So he had planned a Snack date? Who does that? She opened the Menu while he waited for her to react reading the choices. The menu was specially prepared only mentioning her favourite dishes. A smile appeared on her lips which were already watering feeling hungry .. Arnav called for a Waiter to take their orders. And the Champagne which was pre ordered and complimentary followed to their table. Khushi resisted ..

Khushi: No alcohol.
Arnav: This one is Non Alcoholic.
Khushi: I dont believe . So please.
Arnav was a gentleman at least in this matter. He ordered two Orange Juices and the Champagne was returned. Khushi ordered some Pasta for herself and he made it double. Today he would eat what she liked. The waiter left. Juices were served first and in some minutes even the Pasta..

Arnav: Lets start with what you know about me then?
Khushi: (faked a smile at him): A Pshycopath.. Who knows to force innocent girls like me and make them obey his demands.!!

She said this without any fear but later realised this was not in her agenda today. It was the anger that bursted out in the form of such words.. Arnav on the other hand sipped the juice and kept staring at her. He wanted to know more about him from her.

Arnav: One correction.. You are first one whom I am ruling to this extent.

She didnt know why he cleared that. As if she will be happy knowing he never went out for a Date like this before. .

Khushi: I told you , I dont believe things and people so easily.
Arnav: Not my headache. Keep going.
Khushi (SIghed deep and continued): A chain smoker?

Arnav: (Raising his brow): Smoker?
Khushi: Yes. You are. The first time I saw you in the rain bullying some old man with your Guards, you were smoking. And not to mention, even yesterday you burnt that handkerchief with a lighter which came out from YOUR pocket. So dont Lie..!!

She seemed to be more interested in this fight than eating her favourite Pasta. If the guards standing aloof had the opportunity to be their selves, they would have chuckled seeing a girl discussing on this topic with their Boss. Arnav sipped the juice and then placed the glass down on the table.

Arnav: Yes, I smoke. But not frequently.
Khushi: Again..Mr Arnav Singh Raizada.. I dont believe you.
Arnav: Again.. Miss Khushi Gupta.. Thats your Headache.. Are there any more things you have noticed in me or is it done?

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