Part 6

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She was running down the dark lane , alone and feeling abandoned. She had no clue where her feet took her but all she knew was that turning behind or stopping will be hazardous. She cannot let him get hold of her. She had to run until her feet had the energy to keep her safe from that Monster. Suddenly she felt someone holding her hand , stopping her and that was enough to make her scream aloud. She opened her eyes and kept pleading " Leave me , PLease.. " until she realised the person before was Anjali Di and not that Monster. It was just a dream she saw and got scared of. She quickly hugged Anjali sitting on the bed. Anjali was extremely worried for Khushi. It had been 2 days for that incident when Khushi was been allegedly kidnapped on her birthday by someone whom they didnt even know.She caressed Khushi's hair and patted her back gently.

Anjali: Khushi relax. You are home and safe. Look we have everyone around. Akash, Nani, Shyam, everyone is here.

Khushi pulled back from the hug and scanned the room. She could see her family surrounding the bed and everyone. She wiped off the sweat beads from her forehead.

Khushi: Di, I again saw that Monster in my dream..
Anjali: Sshh!! It was just a dream which can never turn out real. And at least today dont remember him please.
Khushi: Why ?Whats special today?
Akash: I cant believe this. You forgot whats today ?
Shyam: Koi baat nahi Akash, hum yaad dilaate hai Saali Saheba ko ki aaj kaunsa din hai.

He winked at Akash and then he , Nani, Akash and Anjali together pasted the dry colour on Khushi's face wishing her a "Happy Holi". She started gigling and running around the room to save herself but they were too many for her to handle. She was coloured by her family .. Yellow.. Blue.. Green.. All colours.. except Red. This was her wish that whoever she gives her heart too and fall in love with .. will be the only person to colour her red on Holi. It was a very unusual wish but her family always respected that and never played with Red colour with Khushi, giving her a chance to make her wish come true some fine day.


AR Office

She came inside Arnav's cabin with a small tray in her hand, holding the coffee he just demanded for. ASR had never seen Khushi in formals. She looked like a tidy kitten in that White and Black formals.

"Your Coffee" , she gestured and placed the mug on the table giving him a pleasing smile. Her Dove shaped eyes had managed to drive him into a different world already. She waited there explaning him the list of meets he had today evening. But was he concentrating? Never. He got up from his chair and stood right before her which made her little conscious. Suddenly the door was been knocked again and Aman Mathur entered inside with his laptop for discussing business. Arnav was frustrated on Aman for spoiling his moment and was about to bark at him but before that he realised the girl before him was not HIS KHOOSHi.. She was his secretary Ana who seemed to be grinning at herself for getting her Boss's attention. He was hallucinating Khushi almost everywhere at home till now but today was heights, she was even here at his Office making him restless again. 2 days had passed that he didnt see her and he couldnt avoid it more. He took out his frustration on this same girl asking her to get out of his cabin. She left and Aman placed the Laptop on the table.

Aman: Morning ASR.. Do you need some time or should we start discussing work?

Arnav was quiet. He definately was in no mood to work now.
Aman: Ohh yes.. Wish you a Happy and Bright Holi ASR.!!

HOLI!! That caught his attention again. He stared at Aman with questionable look on his face.

Aman: Uhh..!! Holi is a festival of colours and widely celeberated by every generation in India. People apply their favourite colours to their partners, friends and family and have fun the whole day.

That was interesting. Festival of Colours? A thought clouded his mind and with that came a smirk again on ASRs lips. He shut his laptop down which created a doubt in Aman's head too.

Arnav: Cancel all my meets today.
Aman: Cancel? But ASR.. We have real good financial decisions to make with our Clients today. Everything is scheduled and if we cancel it at the end moment, we might have to bear heavy Loss.
Arnav: AR is rich enough to bear such petty loses Aman!! Handle everything here.

Arnav left his cabin whereas Aman was still very confused on what was going in ASR's mind. These days he was acting very wierd and concentrating less in work.!!


Laxmi Nagar

It was nice to see Khushi forget everything about her birthday mishaps and enjoying the Holi with her family and friends in Laxmi Nagar. The people there had arranged a group celeberation. The young girls were dancing together , applying colours. The men were busy in making Bhaang and consuming it too. Akash , Shyam had a competition between them as to who can have the maximum Bhaang in 1 minute time. Anjali and Nani were busy in cheering them up . Khushi along with Payal was dancing at the centre with her other friends enjoying this festival. She was wearing a white pink dress with some streaks of colours making it look more colourful. It was a dry holi as they believed in conserving water.

In all this none of them noticed that a pair of eyes were admiring Khushi standing at a distance from the crowd, still zoomed enough to capture every movement of hers. Arnav Singh Raizada had already managed to find her address but he had never visited personally this locality. But his passion for being with Khushi today had made him drop here uninvited. She was very much engrossed in dancing and hence didnt even realise when this man whom she feared to death was nearing her slowly , marking his target which was HER. Just HER.

The smoke of colours was spread everywhere making it difficult to trace anyone amidst this crowd. It was only when he caught her hand and she felt the same touch of the Monster that made her realise HE WAS HERE.

Very gently he dipped his fingers in the colours Thali kept beside and very carefully applied the same on her face , ensuring her beauty doesnt lessen with these artificial colours. She was too scared to even react when he did this. She wanted to scream for help but her voice was stuck in her throat, she wanted to struggle to get free but her energy felt drained out, that was HIS affect on her.

He was never familiarised with the festivals of India but today when for the first time in his life he actually applied color on her, he felt powerful because the Red color was mirroring the passion he had for her. His eyes were locked on her with an intensity that could burn down every person who comes in between them today. Her heart thumped with fear as he tightened his hold on her hand.

Arnav: I am the only person to apply this color on you today, I HOPE.

Did he really state that? With her other hand she touched her cheeks where he had applied the colour and was astonished and furious seeing the colour as RED. All her wishes of being coloured Red only by the person whom she will give her heart and soul seemed to be crushing down in seconds. But that didnt affect him. He was much much contended for playing this HOLI with her . But Wait ..!! PLAY? No.. The PLAY will be completed only when she applies this colour on him too which he knew was impossible seeing her reactions. He dipped her fingers forcefully into the same colour thali and made her apply this colour on his cheek too. She closed her eyes in fear as she applied the colour on him .She was cold due to the fear. She was so much afraid that she didnt even realise when he left her hand and vacated this place. Somebody patted her shoulder from behind and she jerked.

Akash:Khushi.. What are you doing here?

She immediately hugged her brother Akash , shiverring in his arms making him worry..

Khushi: He.. He .was here.. He came here Bhai.. I.. I am scared.. He .. He is here..
Akash: He? No Khushi. You must have dreamt all that..
Khushi (Pulling back from the hug): No Bhai. See this. . He coloured me.. Red!!

Thats when Akash saw her cheeks and indeed she was been coloured red. The same colour which his little sister had kept for her future partner!! He scanned the surroundings, infact he even ran the other side to check if he can see any unknow n person. But he couldnt find anyone. He returned back to Khushi and calming her down took her back home because it was really not safe for Khushi to be here anymore


Raizada Mansion

He could watch himself in the mirror for hours today. The colour that covered his cheeks was reminding him of her. Every time he met her and returned back alone, his passion for her increased, his attraction towards her increased. Though she didnt create much scene today unlike the Birthday day wherein she pointed the Knife at him, he still felt the moment incomplete. The reason was whatever was happening was just one sided. Whatever he wanted was only his need, not hers. That pricked him. Why can't she like him too? Why can't she spend some time with him too? She might have a whole bunch of people who needs her company ,but he had No one around him. He neither had a family with whom he could share his daily happenings. He didnt trust on anyone.. He didnt like anyone .. And the only person he was now attracted so much , also didnt like him..!! There had to be a solution for this.


Next Day

Akash seemed to be in a hurry. He had finished his breakfast and informed strictly to his family, not to let Khushi alone even for a moment. This matter had to be taken strictly now. He was just waiting for the moment when he knows the name of that Man who is troubling his little sister after which he will do everything possible to set her free from him. Anjali packed his Lunch box and he left the house. He travelled by Bike to work and today he purposely took a different turn because he had plans to meet someone before reaching his Office. He stopped the Bike at their regular meeting spot and checked his mobile to see if he had received any texts or call. Suddenly a pair of arms closed his eyes from behind gigling at his ears. A smile crept on his lips because he was really seeing her after 3 weeks this time. He caught her hands and then moved her before him.

Akash: Now you got some time to meet me huhh? Is this your Love Lavanya?

Lavanya chuckled again and neatened his Tie.

Lavanya: Dr Lavanya , Akash..! Dont forget I have to treat my patients too and thats what keeps me busy these days. Waise how was your Holi? I am sure you enjoyed thoroughly with your family.! All the shades of colours are still intact in the background of your handsome face.. !!

She gestured him to see the Rear mirror of the Bike but the thought of Holi and what all happened that day disappointed him. She touched his chin and made him meet her eyes..

Lavanya: Anything wrong Akash? Is all okay home?

Akash never thought he would need to share all this with anyone else other than his family but Lavanya was his Love. May be she could guide him. He started the bike again.

Akash: Sit..!! We will talk this onway.. I will drop you to your clinic..!!

She didnt deny. That was the plan they had made. Their work life kept them too busy these days and they never got much time to spend with each other. So today he had decided to drop Lavanya to her clinic which will allow them spend some nice time. SHe sat behind him and he drove off from their meeting point.

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