Part 48

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Khushi: Aaj hum aap ko disturb nahi karenge. You take the bed and sleep comfortably Arnavji.. I will put a mattress down for myself. There. !! ( she pointed happily)

Arnav who was just shutting his laptop finishing the work looked at her disappointed. She realised he was unhappy with what she just said but why, she didnt know. He came to her and snatched the mattress from her hand.

Arnav: Do you want me to face a sleepless night ahead? ( he asked in a coarse voice)
Khushi: Nahi. par..
Arnav ( interrupted): Then sleep next to me. ( he ordered)
She was still numbly watching his face.
Arnav: I can tolerate you kicking me all night but not the idea of you sleeping away from me. It's high time we start getting acquainted to each others habits now.

Khushi's face had a broad smile the moment she heard his explanation. She need'nt convey how much difficult it was getting for her to stop that smile from turning to a deep blush. She lowered her eyes and tried walking past him to hide. He caught her arm, stopping Khushi right there. He kept admiring her which made Khushi all the more uncomfortable. Suddenly Arnav's phone rang loud disturbing their moment. Khushi quickly moved his arm away from hers, while Arnav gritted in anger promising to sue this person who ruined this conversation. He checked the phone, pulling it out from his pocket. It was Aman's call. He stepped away from Khushi to answer it but suddenly stopped and turned to her again.

Arnav: Humaari baat abhi khatam nahi hui.. ( Our talk has still not finished)

He commanded only to receive a smile back from her and then left the room. Khushi felt bubbles in her stomach at this sudden actions and reactions from Arnav. What was happening to her? Since when did she start feeling such acidic for her husband? Was it normal ?

Arnav came out at the Balcony of the Gupta house and then answered the call.

Arnav: ( on call): You better have a good reason to spoil my time with Khushi, Aman .!! ( he stated clearly)
Aman: Sorry ASR.. I wouldnt have called if it hadnt been that Urgent.. ( he paused and then continued the sentence) ..Claire Raizada is in Delhi. She wants to meet you in person tomorrow and if you dont, she wont mind speaking to you in her attorney's presence.

Arnav clenched his jaw. His mother was in Delhi? So close? This woman's mere thought and her past deeds always raised his blood pressure. She is the only woman responsible for his ugly upbringing and worse childhood. He cannot compose his anger even if he wishes to. He disconnected the call without speaking further. He was about to throw his phone in anger when suddenly he felt someone holding his arm and stopping him from doing so.

Khushi: Arnavji? What happened?
Arnav had not expected Khushi to be here at this moment.. He blurted his anger on her.
Arnav: STAY OUT OF THIS!! ( he warned her and shrugging her arms off his, he walked out of the house to get in the car)

Khushi was totally confused on what went wrong with her husband? Just few moments ago he was so good to her. It had to do something with the call. Whose phone call was it that made him so angry? She followed him to the car. He banged his fist on the car door hurting himself. The memories of his past haunted his mind even today. He had to get out of this. He had to ease down the anxiety of his nerves. He got inside the car and drove away alone. Khushi had no idea what to do. The way he left the place made her worry for him. She quickly stopped a passing Taxi and asked it to follow his car.

After 20 minutes of constant chasing, Arnav's car entered the premises of Raizada house and he got down to hurry inside. Khushi was dropped at the gates by the Taxi who was paid by the Watchman of the house as per Khushi's instructions. She rushed inside to see where Arnav was and what he intended to do.
She really had no clue what was happening. She reached their room and saw him looking desperately for something. He looked mad. He slid down almost everything fr
om the closet in search of something.

Khushi: Arnavji? Please tell me what has happened?

Arnav hadnt thought she would follow him here.

Khushi: What are you looking for? You are spoiling things Arnavji..
Arnav didnt care for her words. He just kept looking for Anti-suppresant injection which he was in need of to cool off his anxiety at the moment. He found it in a drawer. He tore the cover and inserted the the needle to pump in the medicine from the bottle. Khushi was shocked..

Khushi: What is this? What are you taking Arnavji?

He was done with her questions.. He cannot tolerate anyone and anything beyond this. He dragged her out of the room and left her arm with a jerk.

Arnav :( angrily ): Didnt I warn you ?STAY out of this Khushi.!! Go Home..

Saying that he shut the door on her face.. She kept banging the door but to no use. He injected the syringe on his arm trying to feel the liquid entering his nerves and cooling his frustration off. It would take time, he knew.

Khushi had no clue what was happening and why. She only knew her husband was terribly in need of help which she wanted to offer only if he could understand and accept it. She kept banging the door for long and pleading him but he never opened it nor allowed her inside. The hollowness he felt within was horrible.. He hated that one woman the most who never looked at him once with love.. She was always selfish.. Even if today she wanted to meet him, it was only to fulfil her need. He had tolerated her enough in his childhood, not anymore. She is no one to him now.. He wont let her ruin his life so easily again.. He was not bound to her.. He was no more answerable to her.. So what if she gave birth to him, he never felt that connection with her even though she was his mother..


It was almost 6:00 am when Arnav returned opened the door... Frightful dreams of him as a child yearning for someone, his screams as a 6 year old kid who wanted to be loved but was always locked in the room until his parents finished their verbal fights, was enough to give him a long sleepless night. The medicine he injected at night had reduced his anxiety but it had given him a strong headache as usual.

The moment he opened the door, he saw Khushi sleeping in a sitting position, taking support of the wall. She looked pale, stains of tears under her eyes. She didnt go home last night? He quickly kneeled down and patted her face.

Arnav: ( with concern): Khushi? Sweetheart.? ( he patted again)

She opened her eyes gently and the moment she saw him in front of her eyes, she remembered the last night situations again. She immediately sat straight and checked his arm.. She could see the little mark of the injection at his upper arm.

Khushi: Aap theek hai? Aap.. aappne.. ( she still looked scared and her voice and pitch reflected that)
Arnav: Sshh..!! I am fine.. Come..

He made her stand and was about to pick her in arms to carry her inside but she pushed him away. That got his anger back, though not fully.

Khushi: What do you think of yourself? Huhh? What had gone into you last night? Whose call was it? Why did you come here? Do you know what I went through? Do you even realise how much afraid I was? Why do you always do this to me? ( she clutched his collar in anger )

Arnav clenched his jaw. He hated to give explanations to anyone.. She probably didnt need one either. She knew he would not explain her anything even if he is been forced for.

Khushi: Do you know what will happen if my family comes to know about this? They already think you dont treat me well. They will hate you more this.. Here I am trying to bridge the gap between them and you, but you dont seem to be interested in it. Why Arnavji? Why are you like this? ( she screamed in anger)

Arnav gulped down his anger.

Arnav: Khushi. ( he tried to be polite)
Khushi ( interrupted): DONT! ( she screamed again).. Dont take my name . You dont deserve to take my name.. You dont deserve to have a wife at all Mr Arnav Singh Raizada.. You DONT!! ( she responded in rage)

This few lines were enough to boil his blood too. He clutched her arms and pinned her to the wall behind..Both had equal levels of anger bubbling in them... They kept looking at each other with that same intensity..

Arnav: NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN!! I.. Only I .. deserve you Khushi.. Even your Devi Maiyaa cant change this fact.. Do you hear me?

Khushi's eyes filled with tears.. She sometimes just hated this man for his rudeness but when he claimed such terrific sentences for her, she also felt mercy for him. She knew it was just her whom he wants in his life, and no one else. When he saw the tears in her eyes, he gulped down his anger once again to settle this conversation.

Arnav: Kuch hua kal raat which I couldnt tolerate Khushi.. You are no where involved in that matter and hence I dont want you to think about it either..
Khushi: I am your Wife.. Do you realise what a Wife means? I am your better half Arnavji.. I have all rights to know every pain you walk through.. I want to help you..I want to ease down your problems, your worries. You might not want to share, but I want to know what Arnav Singh Raizada is? I want to understand you .. Your past..

Arnav ( interrupted her right there) : There is no one in this whole world who can understand me, so dont waste your energy in trying that. But if you still wish to do something for me, then allow me to be a part of you. (He paused for few seconds to look at her bewildered expressions and then continued)... Aisa Karogi Khushi? ( he asked in the most softest yet demanding way hoping this time his wife Mrs Khushi Singh Raizada doesnt break his heart)

Under normal circumstances Khushi should have remained blank because what he asked her might never be that easy considering what level of relationship they shared.. She gulped down all the emotions which were juggling in her mind and heart at present.. This time she wont let his ugly past memories win over their present..

Khushi: HAAN!! ( she declared without much effort)

Arnav was stunned.

Khushi: ( she continued): If accepting you as my husband will allow me sort your problems Arnavji... I accept you rightfully as my husband.. In all ways!!

Her reply just wiped off that damm headache he was tolerating since morning for sure. He kept starring in her eyes, trying to read what she was going through, or if she really meant all this... When he was fully satisfied she just didnt say all this to satisfy him temporarily, he cupped her face to wipe off the little tears from her eyes. Thats when she saw the bruise on his hand which he got last night after banging his fist on the car door. She held his arm and dragged him inside the bedroom to look for a first aid kit. Not to mention, Arnav was still unable to believe what she just confessed...He was reliving that moment.. still!!

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