Part 28

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It was night and Khushi was on her bed thinking about the different ways Arnav Singh Raizada was trying to make her say a yes for the Marriage. She kept staring at the Devi Maiyaa Idol kept on the side table near the bed. Khushi was very religious and she believed in Karma. She was taught from her childhood that what you sow, so shall you reap. She never wished bad for others, neither she ever hurt anyone. Then why was she being the target? What was the significance of all these bitter things happening in her life? This man has come like a hurricane and wiped off all her happiness. Should she become a scape goat and accept everything he wanted from her? Is that what is written in her fate? Is that what Devi Maiyaa wants her to go through?

There was a message beep on her phone. She checked whose message it was and wasnt much shocked reading the contents.

"8 hours left Khushi
Tick.. Tick.. Tick.."

She threw her phone aside becoming frustrated of this countdown which Arnav Singh Raizada had begun today. Now these next 8 hours will decide her fate.


Mehra House - Morning

Sheetal was trying to connect the dots and understand what suddenly made ASR change his mind and withdraw the case? And why did he wanted to put wrong charges on her new lawyer Shyam Jha? What has Shyam to do with all this? She knew Arnav from a long time.. almost 10 years they had known each other. She was aware he never does anything without a profit. But what was his gain this time? Whatever it was, she had to find it out. She had given this task of getting an insight of ASR's present life to her manager. She was just waiting for him to come and give her some information about it.

She kept waiting for few hours from last night and finally her manager told her the details which kicked her nerves..

Sheetal: What? ASR is planning his wedding?

She was quiet for some seconds and then she started laughing heartily..She had no control on her laugh.. Her Manager kept watching her in surprise. Finally after few minutes she could stop her laughs and concentrate on the next sentence of her Manager.

Manager: Her name is Khushi..

Sheetal became quiet.. Was he serious?

Sheetal: ASR cannot marry just like that. What's her profile?
Manager: She has just completed her graduation and awaiting for the results. Belongs to a middle class joint family.
Manager: She is Shayam Jha's wife's sister.

Now the mystery of why Shyam was framed in all this started becoming clear to her. But one question still remains.. What was in this girl that ASR is getting married to her? And what about Khushi? Was she really happy to marry a over possessive psychic man like him?


Raizada Office - Same morning..

Arnav was spinning the paper weight on his desk looking at the clock. The time was ticking and finally the countdown of 24 hours was coming to an end. He had strictly warned his secretary not to stop Khushi from reaching his cabin if she is here. He knew she would come to him.. Afterall he had created enough of disturbance in her life by targetting Akash and Shyam.. Just 15 minutes were left for the countdown to end when his cabin door opened and Khushi Gupta, whom he was waiting for, barged in..!! She seemed to be nervous, just like he thought.. She met his eyes, standing at the door and breathing heavily. He could see her eyes were moist.. He tried to compose himself and show busy.. She came forward slowly knowing he was ignoring her presence. She just wanted to tell him what he wanted to hear from her.

She stood ahead at his desk..He kept typing on his laptop quietly. He was really showing a lot of attitude now.. She didnt wait much and opened her mouth to speak.

Khushi: I am ready..

He could never explain how much relieved he was at the moment knowing this..But he would not accept it so easily.. He stopped typing and shut his laptop screen down looking at her.

Arnav: I didnt hear you properly.. Say that again..

She knew he was testing her patience now..She cannot deny his orders. She was about to repeat that again but he interrupted her.

Arnav: Do you remember what you told me yesterday morning Khushi? ( he got up and started walking slowly towards her)..That you would die but not marry me..!! (She gulped as he clutched her arm and looked in her eyes seriously).. You know how much that HURTS??

She kept gulping down her uneasiness facing him and his questions..

Arnav: But even then I never wanted to hurt you Khushi.. But you left me no choice..!!

She moved away her gaze not wishing to look at his face.. Anger and frustration was mixed up with her helplessness.

Arnav: You owe a Sorry to me.. A very sincere apology..( he whispered)

She already was afraid of him and his talks which were making the situation serious.. He moved a step back leaving her hand.. He wanted to observe her expressions when she apologizes to him. Khushi once again was about to say when he again interrupted, making her more conscious..

Arnav: Holding your ears..10 times (he commanded)

He folded his arms across and kept watching her. She became very nervous but this task had to be completed anyhow. She held her ears gently, with her eyes fixed to the floor, tears rolling down her eyes and her lips shivering to speak out those words..

Khushi ( holding her ear): Sorry..

He smirked.

Khushi: Sorry.. ( tears rolled down).. Sorry..

Her tears pricked him too, especially when she kept uttering "Sorry" continuously in such a despressed voice.

Khushi: Sorry... sorry..

He immediately stopped her and held her hands..

Arnav: Ssshh.. Stop ..
Khushi shoved off his hands and moved back in anger..

Khushi: Does this satisfy you now? You won Mr Arnav Singh Raizada.. You won a yes from me for marrying you.. Does that give you happiness? Does that cool your anger? ( she screamed aloud)
Arnav: (clenching his jaw): Watch your tone Khushi. This is my office.
Khushi: Your office or home is not going to help changing my state of mind Mr Raizada. I am done with this.. I am done with the daily problems you throw on me.. I am done getting afraid of you.. I am done hiding my family from your wicked ideas. Lets make this face to face now.. You want to marry me, keep me with you all the time, so be it!! I am ready for this marriage... I will stick to you and your house no matter what happens with me there. I promise!! And in return you give my family its dignity and joy back.. This is the Deal you would never deny signing off, would you?

Arnav was just listening her quietly..

Khushi: I have told you my decision.. Now its your turn to work on it. I leave it on you how to manage all this. Turn every wrong you did on my family to right again and marry me.!!

She gave him one last stare and rushed out of his cabin. She had guts to say all this to him!! May be he had hurt her so much in these days that she didnt feel the pain anymore...


Gupta House - Night

The family had just finished their dinner and everyone had the same mood from past 2 days, none of them were happy with what was going on in their life. Khushi was in her room sleeping on the bed and remembering what happened in ASR's office today morning. How she had agreed to marry him putting a condition to give her family that old cheerful days again.. Suddenly the door bell rang. She knew there were others in the living room who can attend this visitor in their house. Probably her sister opened the door as she could hear her voice and it became clear to Khushi whom her sister was screaming at and why..

Anjali : You? How dare you come here?

Arnav Singh Raizada didnt cared her talks. He moved ahead and stood right before Nani and Shyam who were blocking his way further inside.

Arnav: Needless to say Mr Jha.. Your wife still lacks manners. But thats not why I am here for.
Shyam: We very well know why you came here. You probably wanted our reply on your marriage proposal for Khushi. I dont think we can even consider that. Khushi is the soul of this house and we can never send her in wrong hands. This marriage is not happening. We will not let that happen. Now if you have got your answers, then please leave us alone.

Arnav sighed in disbelief.

Arnav: I was right.. Khushi hide this fact from you all. But its not her fault. May be she wanted me to clear it out. Thats why I am here. I told you all earlier.. I dont give a damm to what you guys want. All I care for is Khushi .. She has agreed to marry me.

The whole family was shocked at that statement.

Anjali: Enough.. We are not taking any step doesnt mean you can lie to us.. And that too such a terrible lie. Khushi can never take this decision..

"I have Di", came a response from the other door. Khushi was standing alone with a confident face. She came forward meeting Arnav's eyes and stood next to him facing her family.

Khushi: (looking at everyone): I agreed for this marriage.

Everyone were confused how could Khushi agree to it so easily? Anjali clutched her arm and shook her .

Anjali: Dont be mad Khushi. You know him.. He is not the man who can keep you happy.
Khushi: But he can keep you all happy if I Stay with him.. Thats more important to me Di..

She had tears in her eyes but she kept them controlled .. She did not wanted to go weak before everyone at this stage.

Akash :( coming forward): Khushi dont be a fool. He is pressurising you but believe me he is not meant for you..
Shyam: Did you lose your confidence on your family Khushi? We are all with you.. We will fight this.. You dont have to do this alone?
Khushi: I am not alone Jeejaji. I just want your support in making life better for all of us.
Nani: Khushi bitiya.. THink again.. Such decisions are not meant to be taken in haste.

Arnav ( angrily): Enough of this.. Stop brainwashing MY KHUSHI.. She has taken the right decision and very soon you all will see the benefits of it. Akash can take back his resignation because if he does it, he will be promoted too for a higher post. Likewise all charges on Mr Jha will be ceased off. Dont worry how I will handle that. I can do anything within a fraction of time. Respect Khushi's decision.. She is not just saving you all, she is going to save herself from landing into any more troubles too..

He looked at Khushi intensely in her eyes..

Arnav: I am going to lay the whole world on her feet.. ! She will rule my house and I will rule her heart!

Khushi gulped her feelings down because she was really scared of what her future would be with this man.. But she pretended to show she is happy with this idea ..

Khushi ( looking Arnav): Start the marriage preperations Mr Raizada. Lets not delay this now..
Arnav smirked at her statement..

Arnav: You bet I cant delay this ever. ( he took a brief pause to keep admiring her face).. My PA will come tomorrow and meet your family to discuss the procedures and you.. ( he caught her hand and drew her close before the family).. you are going to accompany me to shop your bridal dress. I want my bride to the best amongst every woman who has ever tied a knot on earth!!

His talks always scared her but this time it also gave her enough goosebumps on her skin which would now last forever!!

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