Part 22

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Arnav( smirking): So much of desperation? Good.. I always wanted to see this in you.. Just the way I like it..
He stroked his finger on her cheek but she moved his arm away.
Khushi: Stop changing topics Mr ..
Arnav: (Kept continuing): This urgency to utter what you have in your heart is mind blowing.. I feel the same when you aren't around to listen me.. Its quite uneasy.. Isn't it??
Khushi: Are you mad??
Arnav: You took quite some time to realise this. I am mad since I was hardly 10 years old.

What a confession!!! Was he scaring her? How she wished to tell him she already knew his medical condition. But he was like this from 10 ? She had never expected that to be honest.

Arnav: Dont look at me like that. I am being honest. I have some psyhic issues but I like it this way.
Khushi: (Sighed): For the first time in my life I am meeting a man who likes being crazy.. who likes scaring people he doesnt want to leave.
Arnav stepped closer looking in her eyes .

Arnav: There's a lot more which you have still not judged about me Khushi. You wont find a second Arnav Singh Raizada in this whole universe.
Khushi: I didnt come here to know how much unique you are Mr Raizada. I have better things to do in life than thinking about a man who is disturbing my life so much. I came here to warn you. Stay away from my Brother in law. Only because he is standing against you, with your Ex Girl friend doesnt mean you can hurt him. He is just doing his job. If you try harm him in anyways, I will not remain quiet.
Arnav: (Folding his arms): Kya karogi? (What will you do? )

Khushi was blank. She just wanted to warn him but she didnt know anything beyond that. She never planned it.

Arnav: Tum kuch nahi kar sakti Khushi. You have no power, no backup and no huge brains to fight against me. But I can accept your request. I will not hurt anyone from your family but the condition is same. You will have to meet me whenever I want, go out with me whenever I want, put a smile on your face everytime we see each other, talk politely and most importantly listen what I ask you to do, without raising questions. I dont think its too much for you to do for your family.

Khushi's eyes were moist. But she still maintined a firm voice and anger on her face.

Khushi: You dont deserve any partner Mr Arnav singh Raizada. You just like controlling people and making them your tamed robots. No wonder why she left you and chose someone else.

The moment She said this, Arnav punched the table beside them hard in frustration.

Arnav: Dont you dare talk about her to me and take her side. You have no idea what my past is. Who the hell are you to comment who's right and wrong ? I am offering you to stay close to me, not that close that you start poking into my past life. Am I clear? Now.. Get out before I throw you out of here myself.

Khushi was very much depressed with his behaviour. Which man does that? Few minutes he makes her feel she is the most important person in his life whom he wishes to keep with him forever and the very next moment he disrespects her and treats her like some garbage and throws her out? She walked out of his cabin without turning behind or speaking a word after this insult. Arnav banged his fist again on the wall for being so rude but she really had touched his wrong nerves today.


Night - Lavanya's clinic

Lavanya had just finished all her appointments and she was about to close for the day when suddenly her receptionist told her about Arnav Singh Raizada waiting outside. Initially Lavanya was perplexed to see him at this hour but she quickly agreed finding no other way to escape . Arnav came in and he seemed to be quite distressed. He was drunk and that was noticable on his face.

Lavanya: Hello ASR. Please be seated. Is all okay with you? It's not fair to visit your Dr in a drunk state. We can fix an appointment for tomorrow. Okay?

Arnav moved the chair and sat on it keeping the bottle on her table.

Arnav: Give me something to forget what she said Lavanya. People say alcohol is our best friend in grief. I dont think so. Its making it even worse. Thats why I am here. Give me something.
Lavanya was not sure who was the reason for his distress today?

Lavanya: I am a doctor. Neither I advise alcohol nor I have any substitute of it. I am here to consult you and lighten your heart, not fill your body with such unhealthy liquid and damage your liver.
Arnav : Am I controlling her?

Lavanya was blank.

Lavanya: Who?
Arnav was pissed off.
Arnav: Khushi Dammit!! My .. Khushi.. !!

He took some time to stress on the word " MY" ..He still thinks that innocent girl belongs to him.. !! Huh!! But Lavanya didnt give an opinion until he described the situation a bit more.

Arnav: She said I am controlling her. I am just trying to spend time with her Dammit. Why the hell cant she understand?
Lavanya: (Sighed in disappointment): As far as I remember, you had told me you will forget that girl because she is not worth it. What happened to that resolve?

Arnav gulped some more drink from the bottle and responded.

Arnav: She is already in my blood now. I cant detach from her. Stop advising me such unpotential tasks henceforth.

What else can she expect from a man like him? He was a man of words but never in this matter..

Lavanya: Its in your mind ASR. .. No one can get attracted to a girl to this extent. What do you want apart from being close to her? Whats the future of this relationship? She doesnt like you, she doesnt want to spend time with you or carry this bond forward. SO this has to end somewhere. You wont find a way to come out of this after its too late. You have to stabilize your mind and try avoiding any kind of forced relationships like this. You have to admit you cannot make a girl yours until she too wants the same. Khushi is not the one for you ASR.. Just spare her. I would suggest, go out somewhere. For a week or two. Get some change in your life and routine and this might help you understand I am not wrong.

Arnav: Stop being a travel agent Lavanya.. I know how to play with my life. I dont need you to interfere.!!

Lavanya gave up.. She leaned back on her chair.

Lavanya: Fine .. If you dont need me then why are you here?

Well.. She had a point.. Arnav stood up from the chair with much efforts.

Lavanya: You cant drive in such state.

He didnt care for her advise. He left her cabin. Lavanya saw him from the window. He entered the car and drove speedily outside. She just prayed he reaches home safely.


Same night - Gupta House

Khushi was finishing her household chores when suddenly she heard a loud shriek of a car which dashed to the adjacent banyan tree around the vicinity of her home. The sound was very loud and scary. There was no one home except Nani and her. Akash bhai had to do overtime at his office today and Anjali di and Shyam jeeju had gone out to meet some of their relatives here. Khushi and Nani both rushed out to see what happened. Their neighbours gathered too. The moment Khushi saw which car it was , her heart started beating rapidly. It was Arnavji's car. She saw the car door opening slowly and Arnavji whose forehead was injured , coming out of the car. He seemed to be drunk and managing to get out of the car. SHe rushed towards him along with the other people who had recognised he was the owner of Gupta's house. Nani was concerned too. Afterall at such times, one even helps their enemy so it was not strange when Nani herself asked the people to get Arnav rested in their home. Arnav was semi conscious but he could understand everything that was happening. The people made him sleep on the bed in Khushi's home and left. He heard someone calling for a Dr, he saw Khushi's Nani making him drink water, he saw the Dr coming and treating his forehead wounds advising him to rest for some time. He dozed off for an hour due to the sedatives.

When he woke up he found Khushi standing at the window and talking over the phone to someone. He could hear her feable voice.

Khushi: Payal I dont know what to do. Even Jeeju and Akash bhai is not here. I dont know whom to contact. I dont know anyone from his side and I ..

"9889XXXXX", Arnav replied from the bed, making efforts to sit in a comfortable position. Khushi was startled seeing him awake. She told Payal to call her later and disconnected the call.

Arnav: Thats my manager Aman's number. Call him here with another car.

She didnt respond but kept watching him angrily.

Arnav: What are you seeing? Help me sit.

Even after being in this state with minor injuries, he was so authoritative... She didnt assist him though and kept looking at him in the same way.Arnav sat on the bed touching his wounds on forehead once.

Arnav: You must be happy that I met with this accident. I unknowingly was the reason for the scar on the forehead and I got the same. Did you thank God?
Khushi: I cannot ask something like this even for an enemy.
Arnav: That means I am not your enemy?? (He smirked ).. I am happy knowing that.
Khushi: You should drink in limits or not drive when you overdrunk.
Arnav was highly impressed by her advices. He pulled her hand and made her sit beside him.

Arnav: Thats like my girl. So much concernced for me.
Arnav: I am more concerned for the innocent people whom you could have wiped off while driving so harsh. And Leave me .. My Nani is at home.

She pushed him and stood up. Suddenly Nani walked inside.

Nani: You got up? Hows your health now?
Arnav was not used to such kind words from anyone. He just faked a smile and tried moving out of the bed.

Nani: Wait for some time. You are still not good.

Khushi meanwhile had ring Aman and conveyed ASR's message.
Khushi: Nani.. His car will be here in few minutes, he will be okay..
Nani: Okay bitiya.. At least help him till his car. Go..

Khushi was reluctant but she still gestured Arnav to walk slowly towards the door. Luckily his office was not far from Gupta house so Aman was already on his way.

Arnav ( Whispered to Khushi): Now thats what I call an opportunity. Your family is asking you to escort me till my car..
Khushi didnt speak a word. Arnav purposely tried to stumble and she quickly held his arm. He smirked again entwining his fingers with hers. She struggled to set free. The car was here. Aman got down from the car and stopped aside after seeing his Boss in such a romantic mood. So this was the place which kept his Boss busy these days?

Arnav ( holding Khushi's hand tight): I am throwing a party this weekend for bagging a huge deal. I want you beside me that day.
Khushi: I..

She was about to deny but he interrupted not letting her speak.

Arnav: You will Sweetheart. You will be there beside me the whole time. Dont worry.. Your family will not be a part of it unless you want to let them know we are together. Lets meet tomorrow for buying a suitable dress for you. I will text you where we meeting. Okay?

She lowered her gaze not responding back anything. He left her and sat inside the car whose doors Aman opened and drove away..

Rabba Ishq Naa Hove - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now