Part 29

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After Arnav Singh Raizada left Gupta house making the final statement of his and Khushi's marriage, the Gupta's were left in trouble. They tried every possible way to explain Khushi she did not had to sacrifice herself but it was very clear from her that she was not going to take her step back now. She knew what Arnav Singh Raizada was capable of and hence she did not want any more problems to be raised for her family. However hurtful her life be in future, she will ensure her loved ones get the best. Akash, Shyam , Anjali, Nani, everyone were worried for her. Anjali tried giving her promises to break this decision but Khushi didnt move an inch. She just kept repeating she wanted this marriage to happen, at any cost and left in her room.

Anjali: ( crying): I cannot believe this. Its harrassment Shyam. We should complain to the police.
Shyam: He is a big shot Rani Saheba.. He can come clean of any blames just in matter of seconds. I dont think that is a good idea. And what if we still do and later Khushi, who is becoming so adamant in her decision, gives a statement on his side?
Akash ( in frustration): Here we are fighting for her and Khushi is not even bothered about this. I know she wants to see us Happy but how can we be happy when she is in pain?

Nani: I know your concern is right for her but dont know why, out of all this scenario, I am still hoping something positive for her. We all know how Khushi is. She can put life even in a dead soul. She is that cheerful and filled with morals. She can change Arnav Singh Raizada. I have hopes.
Anjali: NO Nani. That man can never change. What didnt happen in so many years can never happen.
Nani: As I said Anjali, we should give this situation some time. Only time can tell us what lies in the future for Khushi..
Akash: But Nani we cannot wait like that and keep seeing Khushi go through hard times.
Nani: You are right and thats the reason I want you to keep working for Arnav Singh Raizada in his company. At least in that way you will be closer to him and keep an eye on him. If anything goes wrong in future, between Khushi and Arnav, we can intervene and sort the situation.

The others kept thinking on Nani's advise. Was this the only way they could ensure Khushi was safe?


Next Day - Morning

Khushi came out with her bag , all set to go out. Anjali stopped her. Akash too was getting ready for work.

Anjali: Khushi? Where are you going so early morning?
Khushi: Raizada House.. (she softly replied)
Anjali was disturbed knowing this.
Anjali: What? There? Why?
Khushi: He had asked me to be there so that we can shop for my bridal dress. I dont want to dishonour him Di. I will be back soon.

She had already made up her mind which no one in the family could change.

Anjali had tears in her eyes.

Anjali: Khushi please.. dont do this..
Khushi quickly cupped her sister's cheeks and tried to make her feel better.

Khushi: Dont stop me Di. I know what I am doing. Trust my decision. This is the only way we can get happiness back in this house... !! Please..

Though Khushi too was very nervous, she still managed to show some courage to her family and then left outside.. She hired an autorickshaw and sat inside wiping her tears. Running away from the situation should never be opted. She had to fight for survival.. Survival of her family..


Arnav Singh Raizada had just woke up from sleep and he remembered Khushi would be here anytime. Will she really come herself ? Well.. She had to..After her self decision of marrying him, she will not miss these little orders from her would be husband anymore. He quickly came down and called all his servants in the living room. They assembled there in a worry why suddenly their Boss wanted to address them? Were they getting fired? When Arnav reached the living room and saw his servants waiting for him, he quickly told them why they were called for.

Arnav: There is a marriage to happen in this house.. My Marriage.. Some top designers have been called who would here in an hour, I want them to be treated well. Am I clear?

The servants were shocked to know he was getting married. They were happy but equally worried for that poor soul who will be his wife because they were all aware how hot headed this man was. They bowed their heads and left back to finish their work. Arnav stared at the door once and there he saw her standing nervously holding her purse and clutching the ends of her dupatta tight. Did she always look so pretty or was she looking extra gorgeous today in that red chudidar? He had told her once he likes red but he never enforced his choice on her. Their eyes met which made her shiver thinking about the fact that very soon she will have to live with him here in this house..

Arnav: ( gesturing her to get in): Get comfortable Khushi.

She took baby steps inside walking straight towards him at the couch. Why wasnt he ready? They were supposed to go out for shopping, werent they? Khushi maintained a low contact with his face. She did not wanted to get scared seeing him noticing her so intensely.

Arnav: You want water?
Khushi noded a No and hesitantly stood opposite to him at a distance.
Khushi: Get ready.. I cant spent the whole day out..
Arnav ( smirking): Impressive.. Your desperation to get married to me is trying to beat mine. Slow down Khushi.. Otherwise I would think you are doing all this on purpose.. ( he stepped near and stood right behind her whispering in her ears).. Kahi mujhe dhoka dene ka toh iraada nahi naa tumhara?( I hope you not planning to ditch me)

Khushi jerked at his presence behind her and turned around maintaining that distance between them again.

Khushi: I am going to be your wife Mr Raizada.. Its high time you start trusting me now..
Arnav smirked again with sarcasm.
Arnav: Trust has to be earned Khushi not started just like that. Lets see how much I am able to trust you in the coming future. The more you stay close to me, obey me.. the more that trust between us would grow.

Khushi gulped her tension and kept standing there waiting for his next statements.

Arnav: Anyways.. we are not going out. I have called the top designers here. They would be reaching any moment, till then why dont you just follow me to my room and wait there till I finish my shower?
Khushi didnt like the idea much.

Khushi: No. I am fine here. You finish it and come down.
Arnav: It was an order, I never asked you if you would wish to come.

He held her arm but she resisted.

Khushi: Marriage doesnt work on orders Mr Raizada. It works on compatibility. I am really not comfortable now. So please dont force me.

She had started spelling out her thoughts to him.. He was not very happy about it.

Arnav: I was not going to eat you up if you had accompained me in my room. But fine. If this is what you want, wait here till I am back.

Giving her one final look he made his way quickly towards the stairs .

Arnav ( to his maid): Madam ka khayal rakhna.. ( Take care of her )

Was this concern or a sign of warning the maids to keep an eye on her? Khushi didnt understand but chose to remain quiet. Arnav hurried to his bedroom. Eveb he cant afford to waste a lot of time for shower.. Khushi sighed in relief when he left. She was totally scared but even then she managed to voice out her feelings clearly.


He came down after almost half an hour. His hair still wet as he didnt get time to dry them enough. The designers were here and they were talking to Khushi, not from long though, he could see they had not even got introduced properly. The moment they saw Arnav, they all stood up.

Designers: Morning ASR..
Arnav: Morning guys. Uhh. She is Khushi, my fiancee . Guess you guys have got introduced by now..
The designers smiled at them.

Designers: Congratulations Sir.. Congrats Maam..

Khushi felt nervous when Arnav Singh Raizada held her arm taking greetings from others. She moved his hand away but before she could step aside, he made her sit next to him. She was uncomfortable but according to him, she should get used to that now and try change it.

The designers introduced some best design collections through their albums and Khushi and Arnav were asked to make a choice. Khushi remained numb and silent allowing only Arnav Singh Raizada to take the decision. She had no interest in this though like every girl she too always dreamed of this day in her life when she would be participating in her marriage preps.

Arnav: ( to the designer): Enhance this fabric. It would be too heavy for Khushi.
Designer: Fine Sir. But if you plan to have diamonds over the neck portion, then it will carry weight.
Arnav: Fine. What about the jewellery?
Designer: We have an album for that too Sir. Just have a look.
Arnav passed the Album to Khushi who was still silent.

Arnav: Sab main hi karunga yea tum bhi kuch karogi? (Will I do everything or even you plan to participate a bit? ) Look something nice for yourself.. I have to make a call.

He was about to leave but remembered something and whispered to her..

Arnav: Pick something pricy.. Worthy for Mrs ASR to wear on her wedding night.

She gasped with the mere thought of becoming Mrs ASR some day.. He went aside and dialed Aman Mathur's number..

Arnav ( on call): Where are you ?
Aman: Just reaching Gupta house..
Arnav: Hmm. Make them comfortable with the details of the marriage and convince the Pandit to select the best nearest date for the wedding. Understood?
Aman: Yes ASR.. I will.

Arnav disconnected the call and turned to see Khushi who was been guided by the designers for the jewellery part. He sighed in relief. His life looked back on track. His lonliness was going to vanish forever now when Khushi will step in this house. He will have a family too.. He will have someone with him all the time whom he can say his own..

The bridal dress, jewellery, everything was decided within an hour. The designers got up to leave.

Designers: Okay then Mr Raizada. We will get the dress ready soon and then we will call Khushi Maam for a trial. Bye . Have a grreat day.

The designers left and Khushi immediately picked up her purse. He took the purse from her hand. She was astonished..

Arnav: Where you think you are going?
Khushi: Home.
Arnav: Itni jaldi?
Khushi: We finished today's agenda. There is nothing left. Also would be bride and groom are not allowed to stay alone like this before marriage.
Arnav stepped towards her.
Arnav: I dont care.
Khushi ( stepping behind): But I do. Didnt you tell me you want the marriage done properly? So it should include all the rituals and we have to follow it.

She snatched her purse from him and quickly made her way to the door. He didnt stop her. He kept smirking seeing her hurried footsteps marking their way, away from him..

Arnav ( to himself): Run as far as you wish Khushi.. But in very few days you will have no place to hide from me. Let me see where you go then?

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