Part 66 - Dirty Thirty

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A/N - Yep, shame on me for letting this go for so long. And for your patience, you get an extra long update.

"I can't believe you guys are making me do this," Ashten grumbled while half-heartedly applying a coat of mascara to her lashes.

"Making you?" Stella snorted from the other room.

"Yes! Making me. I don't want to go to this stupid party!"

"Well, it's kind of your birthday, so..."

"No, it's not. My birthday isn't until tomorrow and this party has absolutely nothing to do with me. It's Tommy's excuse to get wasted and swing his dick in front of his famous friends,"  Ashten snapped, albeit at the wrong person. 

This was a similar version of this same conversation she'd had with three people that very day and she was sick of it. So sick she retreated to Vi's earlier that afternoon for a milkshake and some solitude.

That turned into a bust too. After ten minutes of non-stop calls and texts, she'd been more than tempted to toss it in Vi's deep fryer.

How she had become the contact person for that night's dreaded event was beyond her but Ashten would have bet her next paycheck it was all Tommy's fault. 

Much to her chagrin, and as many times as she'd told him not to make a big fuss, Tommy insisted on throwing her a party for her 30th birthday. To her utmost horror, he started talking about themes and costumes, everything imaginable that would cause this thing to become a full-blown circus.

Luckily, and thanks to whatever deity was in the sky, she was able to reign him in to avoid the whole event becoming a complete shit show. He'd at least given her the option of choosing the venue, and since she didn't get to spend too much time there during the Covenant House event, she chose the Viper Room. She liked the intimate vibe of the place and she figured if she had to sit through an unwanted party in her honor, she could at least be in a place where she had a shot at running into Johnny Depp again.

Nonetheless, the day of the party arrived and she wasn't even close to being in a festive mood. Between working for Tommy, and spending time at the Covenant House –both in a physician capacity and assisting Jozie with building a new dance program–she was already exhausted.  Additionally, she was preparing to take the medical board exam to renew her license which added a rigorous study schedule to her already overflowing plate. 

Fatigue aside, she hated birthday parties. For herself, anyway. She was not a fan of being the center of attention. Being bombarded with superficial well-wishers, who didn't even know her, that were only there for free booze and extravagant party favors, wasn't appealing to Ashten.

It was the last thing she wanted and she was beyond annoyed that Tommy was doing all of this with a total disregard for her. 

With the enthusiasm of someone going to the dentist for a root canal, Ashten finished her makeup and started to work on her hair. All the while she grew envious of Storm, who was camped out in her living room with junk food and binge-watching the entire 21 Jump Street series. 

She would much rather be snuggling up on the couch for a movie.

With Nikki.

Thinking of it made her heart ache.

Not only was she being forced to participate in the horror story that would no doubt be her evening, she was having to do it alone.

Nikki wasn't going to be there. And no amount of birthday cake or celebratory cocktails could help her force down that jagged pill. 

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