Part 34: Thanksgiving Eve

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Nikki's Diary

Damn, I haven't written in this thing since Chicago?  That was three weeks ago.  Fuck!

Well, we got out of the winter wonderland and have been thawing out in the south ever since.  First was Tennessee, then a few stops in Texas and Oklahoma, then New Orleans and now we are in Miami.  Its 80 degrees and balmy which is amazing.  Tropical weather like this makes it hard to even compute that Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  I wish I could see the kids but since I'm on tour they'll be with their mothers or, as I like to call them, Evil Bitch 1 and 2.  At least I'll get to have them all for Christmas. 

It's been a productive few weeks.  Between me, Tommy, Mick, DJ and James, the new Mötley album is completely written and we can start laying down tracks as soon as we get home.  Although I think we may need a few weeks off before getting down to business.  Only three more shows left and we are done with this tour.  It has been fun but I'm shredded and I think we are all starting to look like the walking wounded.  It's the norm.  The road just wears you down and with all the meet and greets, shaking stranger's hands, and sharing common space, getting sick is inevitable.  Happens every tour.  So far, I'm fine.  Just exhausted.  But the flu has been making its way around the crew and some of the performers.  Vince had it last week and Mick the week before so it's only a matter of time before it reaches Tommy and me.  And, of course, if I get it then Ashten will too since I can't keep my hands off her. 

Or my dick out of her for that matter.

We've had a very active and healthy sex life from the beginning but for the past few weeks, we've been like rabbits.  I don't know what it is but there is just something about her lately. If I'm not on stage or doing press or whatever I'm all over her.  One minute we're talking and the next minute I've got her bent over a counter or pinned against a wall.  Or she rolls her vanilla lip balm over her lips and I've got an instant hard on from hell.  And when she bites the right corner of her lower lip?  Fuck!

I just WANT her all the time and it's unstoppable.

Random Song Lyric: It's the thing in you that feeds the animal in me.

Maybe it's because I know someone else wants her and it's given me this primal need to mark my territory.  But it isn't just me.  She's giving as good as she's getting.  

Or maybe we are distracting ourselves from the fact that at any moment, Tommy could find out about us and this could potentially all come tumbling down.

We've broached the subject a few times and Ashten has been apprehensive at best.  I told her from the beginning it's completely her call and we can talk to Tommy when she is ready.  She just doesn't seem to want to.  I get she wanted to wait for a while at the start because it was so new and it was just the smart move.  I get that she could lose her job and her home and why cause that kind of disruption over something that may or may not stick? But that was almost six months ago and I think it's pretty clear this is the real deal and not just some fling.  At least, that's how I feel. 

Maybe she's rethinking all of this. 

Narrator POV

Turkeys?  Check.  Stuffing?  Check.  Pies?  Check.  Booze.  Double check. 

Ashten sat at Tommy's dinosaur of a laptop perusing the menu for the following day while Tommy and Nikki did an interview at one of the local Miami rock stations.   Since they were on tour and couldn't be with their families for Thanksgiving, the band wanted to do something special for the crew and everyone who was out on the road with them.  So, after that evening's show, they would stay in Miami for a couple of nights and throw a massive dinner/party for Thanksgiving.  Since they were staying at the Four Seasons, they rented out one of the giant banquet rooms for dinner and then an additional ballroom and bar space for the party.  It was to be "very epic and very Mötley".

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