Part 29: Ashten Montgomery, M.D.

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Nikki's Diary

We've been on the road for a little over a month and things have been surprisingly smooth.  The band is tight as fuck and the shows have been amazing.  I truly love what I do. Standing on stage on a beautiful summer night with fans singing our songs back at us is something I can't really put into words.  It's the most unreal feeling.   All I know is that I am definitely a lucky fucker.  Lucky to have my life, my kids, my career.  And lucky to have an incredible girl.

Ashten crashed out on my chest about an hour ago.  And she is OUT! She hasn't moved an inch.  Didn't even stir when I had to move her off of me so I could get up.  I almost checked her breathing a little while ago because she's been so damn quiet.   We were supposed to watch a movie and she only made it about halfway through before falling asleep.  Of course here I am, still awake.  But its fine.  I know how tired she is and she isn't completely use to touring yet.  Its actually a lot more grueling than people realize.  Ashten once compared it to medical school.  Fast paced, constantly moving, little sleep, and sensory overload.  She said it was like her internship when she'd have to be on call for 48 hours straight.  I use to stay up for 48 hours straight, too.  But I had the help of white Colombian powder.

Speaking of med school, Tommy made a wise decision having Ashten bring her medical bag with her on the road.  Turns out he needed it today.  But more on that later.

My sweet girl and I are happy.  I mean ridiculously, disgustingly, stupid happy.  At least, I am and I'm pretty sure she is too.  I hope so, anyway.  She seems to be.  I just hope that when the time comes to tell Tommy he doesn't have a bitch fit about it.

Shockingly, its been relatively easy keeping our relationship a secret from T-Bone.  Its also been easy spending time alone with each other.  Especially when Stella brought Pam and the Lee kids out on the road with us.  Suddenly Tommy's bus became a little too crowded for comfort.  Not to mention Ashten's disdain for Pamela.  Naturally, I was generous enough to volunteer a spot for Ashten on my bus.  Nice of me, huh? I'm such a good guy.

But they left a couple of days ago and Ashten is back on Tommy's bus.  Ashten loves Tommy like he's her own brother and I know he feels the same way about her.  That being said, they bicker like siblings even when we are home and everyone has their own space.  But being on the road living on top of one another is a whole different story which is why I think Ashten took great pleasure in tonight's events. I know I would have.  It was pretty fuckin funny.

It all started this morning when we arrived in Kansas City, Missouri.  We'd traveled overnight from Denver and it had been a long drive.  Luckily, we had a day off.

Narrator's POV

Nikki knew something was up when the buses pulled up to the hotel and Tommy flew off of his like a bat out of hell.  With a cigarette in his hand and a look of terror on his face, he marched straight over to the Starbucks directly adjacent to the hotel.  He came back about five minutes later with two coffees in hand.  One hot and one iced.  Nikki was willing to bet the iced one was a white chocolate mocha with Ashten's name written all over it.

Weird. Since when does Tommy make the coffee run?

He asked as much when Tommy approached.

"It's a peace offering,"  Tommy grumbled and nodded his head towards the bus.

"Why? What did you do?"

"Nothing!  Its the estrogen.   ALL the estrogen.  And its turned evil."  Tommy scowled at the bus, clearly not in an hurry to get back on any time soon.

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