Part 40: Damage Control

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After the brief text exchange with Nikki, Ashten felt her stomach take an ugly turn and swallowed hard to keep the contents at bay.  She was almost positive that if she were to look at herself in the mirror her face would be drained of all color. 

She didn't say a word to her brother before making a quick exit.  She briefly paused just as she crossed the threshold of Tommy's dressing room and for the first time in a long time she wasn't quite sure what to do.    Ashten chewed on her bottom lip, weighing her choices.

Find Tommy and make an attempt at some damage control?

No.   She shook her head and turned in the direction of Nikki's dressing room.  She needed to talk to him first. It was possible that Nikki was wrong or didn't know for sure that Tommy knew anything.  That thought gave her a glimmer of hope.

That feeling was short lived as she took a few steps down the hall and could already hear muffled yelling.  Just as the sound hit her ears, her phone buzzed with an incoming text.  Almost as he sensed her approaching, Nikki fired off a warning shot.

Nikki:  Do NOT come in here.  Let him bitch at me and get it out of his system

He knew her too well.  He knew she would come running but insisted on taking the heat.  At the moment, she was relieved beyond any measure as she leaned against the wall just outside of Nikki's open door listening to the heated exchange.

"Put your fuckin phone down. Are you kidding me right now?!"  Tommy's raspy voice bellowed.

Nikki let out a huff and refrained from raising his voice.  "I'm texting Ashten to tell her you know.  I don't want you ambushing her."

"Ambushed?!  You mean like I just was?!"

"You weren't ambushed.  You were sticking your nose in where it didn't belong." Nikki rolled his eyes at Tommy's dramatics.

"Kind of like you having your nose in Ashten's pussy where it didn't belong?" Tommy spat.

"It's not what you think.  And watch your fucking mouth, T-Bone."  

"Are you telling me I didn't see what I just saw??  That I didn't see a picture of her wearing nothing but YOU and taking it like a fucking porn star?!"

Ashten closed her eyes and hissed through her teeth all the while wishing the earth would open up and swallow her.

"No," Nikki warned.  Even though she couldn't see him Ashten could tell by the tone of his voice that Nikki was fighting tooth and nail to maintain his temper.  She heard him breathe in and release a deep breath.  "I'm telling you all of this was total accident."

"Accident!?"  Tommy yelled in astonishment.  "Fucking someone isn't an accident, Sixx!  You don't just trip and fall into a vagina!"  Nikki was silent and Ashten could hear Tommy pacing around the room as he lit a cigarette.  "How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long have you been fucking Ashten?!"  Tommy asked, his voice lowered a few decibels probably due to being raw from the flu and all the screaming.

"Since the Royal Underground shoot but..."  Nikki began but was interrupted as they began talking over each other.

"The Royal Underground shoot?!  That was six months ago....."

"And I'm not just fucking her..." Nikki continued while Tommy kept yelling.

"Oh, don't even tell me this is anything but a fling..."

"It's not a fling, Tommy," Nikki said when Tommy finally stopped to take a drag from his cigarette.  "I love her."

Ashten could practically hear Tommy roll his eyes.  "Yeah, until you get bored with her and move onto the next willing pussy that catches your eye. Like you ALWAYS do.  You don't care if anyone gets hurt.  You don't give a shit about anyone but yourself!"

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