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dream on --- aerosmith


It didn't take long for Alexandria to flood with walkers. Michonne and JJ fought off multiple walkers before getting to Gabriel, Ron and Carl. Then, fought off more just to catch up with Rick and Deanna, who was injured. Badly. 

"Rick!" Michonne ran to his side that was crutching Deanna. 

"Good, you're safe. Come on." 

Michonne and JJ took the lead, taking out as many walkers as possible, until there were too many. 

The walkers dropped like dead flies when Jessie cleared a path for the group and shouted to them, "Come on, I have Judith!" They rushed inside and up the stairs, prioritizing Deanna's injuries.

A peaceful day soon turned into a chaotic nightmare. 

"JJ, I could use some help here." Michonne told her. JJ wasn't good in crisis. This became evident way back at the prison when Lori went into labor during a walker attack. "J." Michonne tried to grab her attention, raising her voice a notch. 

"Uh-" JJ continued to blankly stare at Deanna. "I'm, uh- what? Um."

"She sucks in crisis." Rick commented, shoving by her, "How's she doing?"

"No offense to Michonne, but whatever she's doing hurts like a son of a bitch."

"I just finished the leg. And that seems to be the worst of it-" Michonne started to clean Deanna's abdomen wound, noticing the evident bite mark in her side. 

"Well..." Deanna looked to her side that was missing a chunk of flesh. "Shit."

JJ stared out the window, standing by herself, watching as the walkers mindlessly filled the streets of Alexandria. 

"Fever's settin' in." Rick joined her. "She doesn't have long." JJ solemnly nodded, not yet making eye contact with her brother. "She knows how it happens, right? All of it?"

JJ scoffed, "I'm sure she does. She's not stupid."

"Never said she was." Rick muttered back. He diffused the nearing argument, "she's cracking jokes."

"She wouldn't have run." JJ's voice softened. "She fought."

Rick nodded, "We have food to last us a while. They're bound to cluster up by then, move off to one area. When they do, I'll try and get to the armory...draw 'em away with flares."

"Or an explosion." JJ offered, crossing her arms, finally making eye contact with her brother. "Roll one of our older cars out the distance and...." She created the sound effect of an explosion.

Rick snickered. "That could work too....as long as we can get them somewhere. Somewhere that's not here."

JJ smiled, looking back out the window. "Those plans that Deanna gave us. I can see it."


"They were great...they are great."

While the two Grimes' siblings were talking, they heard glass shatter downstairs. 

"The hell?" JJ looked to her brother, quickly racing him down the stairs. Jessie wasn't far behind. 

"Carl!" Rick shouted as he yanked at the door to the garage. "Carl, open the door!"

Jessie pounded on the door, "Ron, open the door right now!"

"Move!" JJ told them, grabbing Rick's ax from the counter and hitting the deadbolt with it. She was only making a dent. 

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