Chapter Five: Setup

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U-yung Household

  Jay recently arrived back to his home from school. His home life wasn't all that bad, his dad usually arrived late drunk. He mainly had to take care of the house. "Welcome back big bro!" Jay's younger sister Sia greeted him with a cheerful expression on her face. Just seeing her happy was enough to make him happy. "Hey Sia!" Jay responded, a smile on his face, "How was school?" Jay asked, wondering what Sia had learned. "I learned all kinds of things! I learned how to multiply numbers! I learned how to play the flute! —" Sia went on about the things she learned in her school. Jay was happy to hear about the great things Sia had done in her school, as long she was happy that was what mattered to him. "So... will dad be late for home again?" Sia asked in an innocent tone, assuming their dad would return late again. "Yeah... he most likely will.." Jay responded, knowing that Sia knew of their fathers being alcoholic. "But, don't worry! I'll make you dinner again tonight!" Jay said with a smile on his face, reassuring his younger sister. "Okay!!" Sia responded, her mood changing with a bright smile returning to her face.


Bethwell Household

  "Well? How'd it go with the cases?" Eliward asked Nelivia, the two were having dinner after a long day. "It was good! Although only Rośe was able to come over." Nelivia said with a sigh, she was hoping all three of them could work on the cases together. "I see.. It's too bad Itoshi wasn't able to help out." Eliward spoke, "Yeah... well, how was work for you?" Nelivia asked, redirecting the question to Eliward. "It was nothing special, just the usual, going around asking people if they wanted to buy some furniture from the store." Eliward said it was something that happens everyday, so it wasn't a surprise to her whenever some people accepted and others declined. "I see.." Nelivia said, hearing about the usual from Eliward. "Well, what are you planning on doing after you solve the cases?" Eliward asked, the question from her was sudden to Nelivia, but it was something that sometimes lingered on her mind every once in a while. "Well... I don't expect all the cases to be solved, but! I do hope I can solve the case of the disappearance and death of the children.." Nelivia responded, thinking back to what happened during her time working at the orphanage. "Ah... don't dwell on the past! It wasn't your fault!" Eliward said, trying to cheer up her wife. This put a smile on her face when Eliward showed concern for her. It reassured her that even in the current time they lived in, there are still people that care for others.


Ryo's Apartment

  The four were sitting around a table just playing a game of uno. Some surprises happened during the game, such as Kokori suddenly leaving and returning, Ren visually looking displeased whenever he didn't get the card he needed, Ryo playing to others standard and Rośe being shocked by the amount of cards she was forced to draw due to the +2s and +4s (we've all been there). The game soon ended with eight rounds of Uno, everyone was physically tired from the game so they decided to just leave it at that and go into their beds. Besides, after a long game of Uno, just stopping and going to sleep is practically the best option.

  "Alright, see you tomorrow." Ren said as he entered his room, waving off to the others, "Yeah yeah..." Kokori said, just wanting to go to sleep, "Alright!" Rośe responded, attempting to keep up her energetic and happy self. "Okay.." Ryo responded last, the four now in their rooms doing whatever the hell they're doing in their room. Ren was just reading some manga, Kokori was going through some things to prepare for her next assignment that'll be happening tomorrow. Call it last minute, but this assignment was given to her recently. Ryo was lying on his bed with headphones on, listening to 'Hated by Life Itself' for some reason he keeps on coming back to the song, he doesn't know why he does so. Rośe was in her room, going through a couple assignments as well as some cases she was able to borrow from Gale. She wanted to get through the cases, hopefully being closer to finding where her brother went all those years ago.

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