Chapter Ten: Deadline

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Ryo's Apartment

~~Assassins from X-Factor have spread and begun showing signs of assassinations in the Shikoku and Kanto Region~~

  "Shikoku and Kanto!?" Rośe spoke out in a tone of shock and surprise, "How far are they going to expand?" Kokori said in a slightly irritated tone, finding it annoying that all of this is happening early in the morning for her. "At this rate, they'll reach the north of Japan within around half a year." Ren said, thinking about how far X-Factor might reach at the rate of their movement and expanding. "Why'd they skip the Kinki region?" Ryo asked, thinking about the map of Japan, Shikoku was on the west side of Kinki, which was beside the Chubu region, where the Aichi prefecture was within. "Well, it could be possible that they're staying quiet for now." Rośe said, in a calm voice, thinking about what the most reasonable reason was for X-Factor to not be making noise in the Kinki region.

  Kokori turned the TV off, she didn't want any of these sudden news to be popping up in her face in the morning. "Alright, what're we doing for today?" Kokori asked, pulling her blankets back up close to her. "Well, I'm planning on going to cram school. It recently resumed and I need to get there early." Rośe responded, taking hers and the others dishes to the sink. "I got a job later this afternoon. It might take a while." Ren spoke after Rośe, standing up. "I'm going out in the city to play street Football(soccer)." Ryo said, going back to his room to go and grab his glasses. "You guys are boring...." Kokori said, closing her eyes and pressing her lips close together. "You going to stay home?" Ren said, assuming that was what Kokori had wanted. Kokori took a breath, not wanting to admit it, but she knew that was what she was planning on doing after they ate. "... yes..." Kokori replied in a quiet voice, annoyed that was what she only had to say and the fact Ren knew what she was going to do. Ren got up and went back into his room to change into his outside clothing. "Alright, well have fun and please, don't burn down the apartment while we're gone." Rośe said in an awkward voice, she finished washing the dishes and put them in the dishrack. She walked towards the door with her bags and walked to the elevator to head into the ground level. "That was only one time!" Kokori yelled out, annoyed she was reminded of what had happened. "Alright, I'm out, see you." Ren said, leaving his room and leaving the apartment, leaving Kokori and Ryo. >Well, that just leaves...< Kokori turned around, seeing Ryo in his dark-blue hoodie, black short pants and glasses. "Okay Koko, have fun." Ryo said, waving off to Kokori, leaving her alone in the apartment. >Well, now that they're gone...< Kokori thought to herself, getting back into her room and covering herself with her blankets.


Empty Parking Lot

  >Well, here it is... the exact place...< Ryo thought to himself as he dropped the ball down, trapping it with his foot. "Heh, didn't think you'd actually make it." A voice called out, Ryo turned his head to where the voice had come from. "So, why'd you bring me here? Besides to play ball." Ryo asked, getting rid of the obvious question alongside it. The voice belongs to someone in their late teens and early adult years. They had long-black hair that went to their shoulders, they had a white-gray wind-breaker and long sweatpants, those dark-purple eyes were filled with deception and mischief. "Well, y'know how the assassins are spreading out?" They asked, the smile on their face disappearing and no longer on their face. "Yeah, what about it?" Ryo replied, kicking the ball to the stranger's foot, in return they flicked the ball up, juggling it with their feet. "Yeah, it was on the news this morning. Everything you're saying is obvious, so just hit it. What is the real reason you spammed me to be here?" Ryo said, stealing the ball from the stranger and dribbling it around the nearby pillars of the parking lot. "Well, the boss told me to bring you here for one reason. Your deadline." The stranger said, the parking lot became silent, the sound of the ball silenced, there wasn't a bit of movement between the two. "You know what'll happen if you don't meet the deadline. Their lives are in danger." The stranger said, turning towards Ryo. "So, what'll it be? Experiment-032109."

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