Chapter Eleven: Cooperative

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The Next Day

  Rośe woke up in her room, the blinds to her window barely letting any sunlight in. She slightly opened up her eyes, her vision slowly getting better, "Rośe, wake up." Kokori's spoke out on the other side of Rośe's door. Rośe shifted herself in her bed, soon getting up from it, she rubbed her eyes feeling drowsy but slowly waking up. She walked over to her door and opened it, Kokori waiting and dressed for the school day. "You really took your time to wake up." Kokori said as Rośe opened up her room door. "I assume everyone else is ready?" Rośe asked, knowing that if Kokori was ready then the other two would be also. Kokori nodded, confirming what Rośe had said, "Alright, tell them I'll be ready soon." Rośe said, looking more awake than how she did earlier. "Got it, but, don't take too long, sleepy beauty." Kokori said before leaving Rośe in her room.




The Night Before

  Rośe was in her room, organizing the supplies she had bought from the store, looking through them and putting them into the groups they would be given to. >That's six groups done... just three more to go.< Rośe thought to herself as she put the supplies into different bags. Rośe looked between the items and the list she had on to differentiate between the items based on whose group it belonged to. As she went through, she heard her door open, looking back startled by it. "Eh?" Rośe said as she looked up, seeing Ryo standing before her. "You startled me..." Rośe said as a smile formed onto her face. "Well, you weren't answering when I knocked on your door." Ryo said before sitting next to Rośe, "Sorry about that..." Rośe apologized, looking back at the items. "This for the agency?" Ryo asked, looking at the list and the items, "Yeah, they are." Rośe replied, smiling as she said this. "Don't push yourself. Nelivia still needs you." Ryo said as he got up, standing next to Rośe now. "I will, don't worry!" Rośe reassured, smiling as she looked up to Ryo. Ryo turned and left, before doing so, he told Rośe something.

                              "If I am unable to come back, find Nelivia."




Present Time

  >What does Ryo mean? Unable to come back?< Rośe worried as she dressed herself, after leaving the shower. As she got her school uniform on, she got another knock on her door. "You ready yet?" Kokori's voice spoke out behind the door, "I'll be ready in just a minute!" Rośe replied, getting dressed fully. Rośe took a breath and opened up her door, seeing the other three waiting for her, Ren was sitting on the sofa, Ryo was leaning against the wall and Kokori was near Rośe's door. "Alright, let's get going." Ren said as he got up, opening the apartment room door. Kokori followed while Ryo waited for Rośe to get near the door. "Rośe, before you go on, remember, you'll need to depend on someone someday." Ryo said before leaving the apartment. "Huh?" Rośe was confused, everything Ryo was saying now was confusing to her, it felt like he knew her all her life, yet he never did. >I shouldn't be worried about this right now...< Rośe thought to herself, shaking off her thoughts and leaving the apartment, locking the door behind her.


Tōkai Street

  Jay was walking down the street alongside Sia, Sia was humming and was quite happy for the day. "You're quite happy for a school day." Jay commented, Sia turned around, still wearing the smile on her face. "Of course I am! I get to go on a field trip to your school!" Sia said, knowing she'll get to see what Tempo was like and being able to see her brother for the rest of the day as well. "Really? Well that should be fun." Jay said, knowing it's normal for students from Eon Academy to come visit Tempo High. "Huh? Didn't they do that for you too?" Sia asked, tilting her head to the left with a curious look on her face. "We were living in South Korea back then when I was in middle school, remember?" Jay responded, although he wasn't in Japan back then, he knew about how Eon Academy had trips for students going to enter high school. "Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot." Sia said sheepishly with a small smile on her face. Jay took a sigh when Sisa remembered, it's been a while since they've been in Korea.

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