Chapter Twenty Two: Next Step I

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Tōkai Street

  Kokori was walking beside Ren, and the two went down the street. Kokori had planned on going back to the apartment, however, the two had made a detour into an underground passage. Ren had planned on going somewhere else, and Kokori had decided to go alongside Ren. "You could've just gone back to the apartment." Ren said, as the two walked down to the passage. "Rośe would've been less suspicious." Ren continued, "I'm following you because you're obviously looking for something. Besides, Rośe is in her after school club." Kokori replied, knowing that Ren had different reasons for being within the passage.

  Ren only kept walking through the passage, with Kokori following. They walked through the dimly lit tunnels in silence. They walked through until they got to a dead end, except for another stairwell that went up to the surface. "A hidden passage?" Kokori said in a bored voice, "Yep." Ren replied, walking up to the wall, pressing his hands around the wall, pushing something that made part of the wall open up.

  Ren looked back at Kokori, signaling her to come along in the hidden doorway. Kokori sighed and followed behind. Ren and Kokori entered a small room, which, if one had to guess, would say that it looked like a singular cubicle. "Now what?" Kokori looked at Ren, her face was expressionless, waiting for Ren to do something.

  Ren walked towards the small desk, it felt like the desk wanted him to come to it. He took a flash drive and plugged it into the computer. He sat down on the chair that stood at the desk. Kokori watched as the computer turned on, the screen was moderately bright, having a blue screen before turning to the computer's wallpaper. The flash drive Ren had plugged into the computer had gone through the login screen and immediately into the main screen.

  Kokori sat on one of the other desks that was present in the room, she watched Ren open up a browser and some files on the computer. >So this is what Ryo saw when I was going through files.< Kokori thought to herself as Ren went through the files.

  >Messages... targets... victims... where is it... I know it's in here.< Ren thought to himself, his eyes going over the words and sentences that were present on the screen. He finally found a file that had the title, '01011001 01010101 01001011 01001001 00101101 01000110 01010101 01001010 01001001 01001101 01001111 01010100 01001111' "This is the one." Ren mumbled to himself, Kokori picked this up and hopped off the desk she was sitting on. "What is it?" Kokori asked, standing over Ren's shoulder.

  Ren didn't look at Kokori, clicking on the file name. Kokori felt a bit pissed off inside, Ren not answering her was something she was annoyed by. Since it felt like it was always like that when she asked Ren questions. Ren read the document that resided in the file, it felt like everything that was in this file answered very little questions, and opened up more questions to him. >Just how long have you been watching us?< Ren thought to himself, this file was last opened 10 months ago, before Ren came over and opened it from its long slumber.








Days Before

  Ren had left the dead body of Akira in the living room, ignoring the blood that was spilled, which was quite unusual. He went from room to room, looking for anything that could give him hints of Akira. He went into the final room, Akira's personal room. >This is where all the hints are.< Ren thought to himself, entering the room.

  The room was unlike anything Ren would have thought it was. >...< Ren looked around him, the room looked completely normal, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Ren didn't bother with looking around the room, and went directly towards the laptop that laid on a desk. >This is where my hints are going to be...< Ren thought to himself, his heterochromia eyes were set on the laptop, opening up

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