Chapter Eight: Scenery

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The Next Day, Kokori's Room

  "Mmgh..." Kokori opened up her eyes, the sun's light hitting her eyes as she woke up. "Kokori, are you awake?" Rośe's voice was heard from the other side of Kokori's door. "Mmm, yeah... I am..." Kokori responded sleepily, opening the door, "Well, we're about to leave for school and we were waiting for you." Rośe said, informing Kokori of what was going to happen. "Alright... I'll get ready soon..." Kokori responded back, yawning as she said this. >God... how long was I asleep?< Kokori thought to herself, taking her uniform from her closet. >I don't even need my blazer... now where the hell is my hoodie?< Kokori dug through her closet, searching for the same hoodie she wore yesterday. "Ah, there it is." Kokori pulled up her hoodie, she put everything on, got ready, yeah yeah all that.

"Alright, I'm done, let's go." Kokori got out of her room and walked towards the door, prepared to leave. "Kokori, hold up." Ren said, getting her attention. "What is it?" Kokori asked, looking back, Ren threw a box at Kokori, she successfully caught it. "It's your breakfast, make sure you eat it when we get to school. "Thanks but, did you seriously have to throw it?" Kokori asked, displeased that Ren was doing something complicated. "Don't complain, let's just go." Ren responded, pushing Kokori out the door. "Fine, fine, whatever you say." Kokori responded, rolling her eyes as she walked down the hallway. "Were those two always like this around each other?" Rośe asked Ryo, observing the two. "Not really, haven't always been this way." Ryo responded, the answer confused Rośe but the four just continued their walk to school.


Tempo High School, Cafeteria

  "How're the cases going for you two?" Ren asked, taking a bite from his curry. "It's a bit frustrating, but we're getting somewhere." Rośe responded, preparing to eat her lunch. "Don't you two ever take breaks from being detectives? It'd tire me out if I ever did that." Kokori asked, leaning back in her seat. "Well, we do from time to time–" "Well those breaks aren't long enough." Rośe tried to explain but was cut off by Kokori. "A breaks a break, doesn't matter how long." Ryo spoke out, taking out and adjusting his glasses, wiping the lenses a bit before placing it onto his face. "I haven't seen you wear your glasses in a while." Ren said, looking to his side at Ryo. "Yeah, just how long was it?" Kokori asked, leaning forward, putting her head on the table. "It was only for around a year." Ryo responded, adjusting his glasses to fit. "Ah but one year is a while though!" Rośe exclaimed, realizing the time period was very short. "One year? Really?" Kokori questioned the time period a bit within her head. The bell rang overhead, the students around got up from their seats, getting to their next classes. "Okay, see you after school." Kokori said, getting up, leaving the others at the table. "Alright! See you!" Rośe got up with a cheerful expression on her face. "... okay, bye." Ryo said awkwardly, waving off and leaving into the bustling hallway of the school. >...... okay, here I go.< Ren thought to himself before leaving the cafeteria.


  >God, what a tiring day...< Kokori stretched out her arms, yawning as she did this. >I can finally get out of here and— wait... I still have work...< Kokori realized as she stopped stretching herself. She took a breath to realize this. >Oh well, it'll be fun anyways~< Kokori thought as she smiled a bit, finding her job to be fun at the end of the day.


Gale Agency

  Nelivia was laying her head on the table, the table was filled with files and documents. She was at Gale for a lot longer than usual. >Ahhhh, this is stressful as hell....< There was a knock to the door and in response Nelivia lifted her head up slightly, taking a breath as she did so. "Ah, you two are here! I... need some help..." Nelivia said as she saw Rośe and Ryo enter the room. "This... is quite the mess." Ryo said, watching as Nelivia pushed away some of the files to the sides of the table. "Yeah... I've been here for a while..." Nelivia responded sheepishly, it was a bit embarrassing seeing her students you could say see the area in quite a mess. "Do you need help cleaning up?" Rośe asked, tilting her head to the left, "Well... it's not much so I don't think I'll need the help." Nelivia responded, picking up some of the files and putting them back into the file cabinet. "Not much is quite an understatement, considering the amount of files you're trying to pick up at once." Ryo said as Nelivia picked up another pile of documents and organized them in their respective file and criteria. "I promise you, it's not much!" Nelivia spoke, reassuring the other two she's fine with putting the files back. This continued on for a couple of minutes until Nelivia finished cleaning up.

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