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Meredith was laying on the couch, her legs elevated as she was playing with Emma and her dolls

"You chose such a pretty dress." Meredith smiled

"It's pink!" Emma giggled

"Come on, princess. You need a bath before daddy gets home." Meredith said, fixing her legs and getting back into her wheelchair. "Go grab your ducks, I'll grab your pjs." She smiled as the girl ran to her room. Her blonde curls tangled up from being in a bun all day

Meredith pushed herself to Emma's bedroom, careful to avoid the girl that kept running back and forth to throw all her ducks in the tub. She grabbed the girl's favorite pjs and wheeled to the bathroom.

"Let's get you undressed." Meredith said once the water was running and had added some soap to create the bubbles

"You put the puwple soap in?" Emma asked with wide eyes

"Of course I did. It's your favorite." Meredith winks and let the girl climb in. Luckily they were accommodated so Meredith wouldn't have to lift the girl in. She didn't have any feeling in her core muscles, making it extremely hard to lift heavy things without falling over without her chest strap

"Mama, my duckies and I are so happy!" Emma splashes the water.

"I see." Meredith laughs. "But easy, princess. And sit down so you don't slip." She chuckles and starts preparing a washcloth with soap to clean the girl. "Can you come close? So I can wash you. And sit down on the bench, please." Meredith asked as it was otherwise too hard to reach her. She left one hand on her chair so she could bend forward without falling over and started washing the girl, eventually also washing her hair

"This soap smells soooo good! Same as your hair, mommy!" Emma proudly smiled as she always wanted to do things her mom did

"You wanna play a little longer with your duckies?" Meredith asks as she checks to see if her pants and socks were still dry

"Yes!" Emma nods

Meredith saw her socks were completely soaked and removed them, luckily she still needed to get dressed into pjs so it wasn't too bad. She took the chance to get herself dressed while Emma was busy playing

Meredith quickly changed into a pair of warm pjs, often feeling cold and then it was time for Emma to get out of the tub and get dressed

"Mama, can we watch some tv?" The little girl asked

"Of course we can. You don't wanna play with your dolls or anything else?" Meredith asks, rather having her daughter play than watching tv

"Can we have a tea party?" Emma's eyes went wide

"Of course we can." Meredith smiled, she enjoyed seeing her daughter happy, it's all she ever wanted. To give her kids a happy childhood

"But.. maybe 'morrow? With daddy!" She smiled. "And now tv?"

"Of course." Meredith laughed. "Come on, get on my lap. Wanna do a wheelie?" Meredith smiled

"Yesss!" Emma smiled and climbed on top of her mother's legs, sitting down. As Meredith promised she did a wheelie and then wheeled to the living room. The little girl crawling on the couch. "Mommy! I want fluffy!" Emma's eyes went wide

"Sit down, I'll grab Fluffy for you." Meredith said, turning the tv onto Emma's favorite channel. She quickly wheeled to the girl's bedroom to grab the stuffy. She saw it in between the bed and the wall and had to transfer onto the girl's bed to reach it. Once she was back in her chair she was quite tired and made her way over to the couch. "Here's Fluffy. He missed you."

"Thanks mommy!" Emma grabbed Fluffy and hugged the stuffed animal

Meanwhile Meredith made her transfer. Grabbing a pillow for her back and legs, getting herself comfortable. She's been working a week already at Seattle Grace and had her extra day off today. She had an extra day because of her disability, although she often does paper work on that day off

The little girl was very focussed on the movie that was playing on the tv while Meredith was just relaxing and watched her daughter laughing until she heard a car pulling up and a few minutes later the front door opened, Derek walking inside. "Hey guys." He smiled, throwing off his jacket and walking over to kiss Meredith and hugging Emma

"Daddy!" Emma hugs him tight

"Hi princess." He chuckled, sitting down next to Meredith. "Long day?" He asked, seeing the pillows

"A bit. How was your day?" She asked

"It was so busy. Had several car crash victims." He sighed sadly. "One guy with a spinal cord injury.." he mutters, those cases always hit hard, even if he started to do an extra specialization in it, hoping one day he'd find a solution for Meredith to make everything easier

"What level?" Meredith asked, brushing her fingers through Derek's hair

"Incomplete L1. Luckily I was able to repair the damage at T12 and T11." He explained her

"You're a hero." Meredith kissed Derek's head and cuddled up into his side

"How's Em been?" He asked his wife

"Amazing. She had her bath earlier. Washed and detangled her hair, she was very good. Wants to do a tea party tomorrow." Meredith chuckles.

"Sounds good. We can have that tea party tomorrow." Derek nods, seeing Meredith close her eyes as she rested her head on Derek's chest

He chuckled softly. He held her close, after today's events he wanted to hold her close and just be grateful for having Meredith in his arms


Meredith was a resident. Almost every doctor working for Seattle Grace was on the way to an emergency. There was a huge accident, a tunnel threatening to collapse while firefighters did their best to evacuate everyone

"Okay, just- just try to help wherever we can." Richard ordered and everyone ran off. Meredith first helped a woman while Alex took care of the daughter. Alex would go with both of them to the hospital as the mother was in bad shape, meanwhile Meredith would be able to help other people

She ran off and bumped into a guy

"I need help. My wife is stuck in our car. Can you come? Please, she needs you." The guy begged and without thinking Meredith followed him inside the tunnel. She heard the bricks falling down, her hands over her head to prevent herself from getting hurt.

She found the woman and climbed inside to check on the woman, but she was painfully aware that there wasn't much she could do. The woman was completely stuck, her legs were completely stuck

"Get out of here. And ask firefighters if they can come help me!" Meredith ordered the husband, not wanting him to risk getting hurt as well

It took a while when she heard some firefighters yelling

"Get out of there! Come back!" They yelled and Meredith hesitated. But she didn't wanna risk her own life. She attempted to run back until it all went wrong and the tunnel collapsed completely. She felt a horrible pain in her back, that was all she remembered

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