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s we step into the clinic's new rented location, I find myself drawn to the surroundings. The ambiance feels welcoming, and my eyes take in the clean, sunlit space.

Chief Hong, the man who's been assisting me with this endeavor, points towards the large window and remarks with a sense of enthusiasm.

"How sweet, isn't it? Open your clinic here, and your patients will heal just by looking out the window." I can't help but nod, appreciating his optimism.

"The view is undeniably beautiful," I reply, gazing out at the expanse of the ocean stretching before us. Chief Hong then begins to share intricate details about the horizon, describing the rhythmic dance of the waves and even mentioning a majestic mountain that's supposedly tucked away behind the bustling market nearby.

However, as I scan the visible landscape, I can't quite spot the mountain he speaks of. He kindly clarifies that it's hidden from view, situated behind the market's buildings.

I find myself tilting my head, intrigued by the idea of a concealed natural wonder amidst the urban setting.

Interrupting my musings, Chief Hong utters a remark, "Are you done looking? I'm a busy man, you know." His words draw a playful eye-roll from me, acknowledging the humorous contrast between his time constraints and my own leisurely observations.

Deciding to shift my focus, I assess the functionality of the air conditioner, methodically checking its settings and airflow. Everything appears to be in working order, much to my relief.

As a brief lull settles in, I inquire about the proximity of the house to this clinic. Chief Hong nods, ready to provide an answer, but just as the words leave my mouth, a memory resurfaces.

He had mentioned showing me another location earlier on. My curiosity piqued, I inquire about the alternative site he had in mind. Chief Hong reassures me that there's only this one location, dismissing the possibility of another spot.

His response leaves me momentarily incredulous; I shoot him a slightly skeptical look as he turns to leave the room.

As I continued to mull over the choice of the apartment, my gaze was drawn to the peculiar wallpaper. It was a riot of colors and patterns that clashed in a way that was hard to ignore.

While Dusik did his best to sell the place to me, it was becoming increasingly evident that the decor wasn't quite my cup of tea.

Two bedrooms, one bathroom, an air conditioner, gas stove, washer," he recited the list of features, drawing my attention away from the distracting wallpaper.

I glanced at it again, its bold patterns and colors making me question its relevance in modern interior design. "What kind of wallpaper is this, and who uses this kind of wallpaper these days?" I inquired, casting a bemused look at Dusik.

𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀-𝐂𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now