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Genevieve's eyes shot open when she heard her parent's footsteps approaching. Taylor was soundly sleeping next to her. "Code red!" She whispered shouted and rolled Taylor off the bed. "Ow" Taylor groaned. "My parents are coming hide."Genevieve whispered.

Taylor quickly crawled under the bed. Genevieve curled up under her blankets and pretended to sleep. There was a knock and the door creaked open. "Gen." Genevieve's mom softly spoke. Genevieve opened her eyes and yawned. "Yes?" She asked. "I'm going to work. I'll be back later. No leaving the house." She warned. "Fine." Genevieve sighed.

Her mother left the room. Genevieve silently listened for her mother's footsteps to disappear. She heard the front door close. "Coast is clear." She said. Taylor got out from under the bed and climbed back on. She got on top of Genevieve and immediately crashed her lips to hers, "Guess you're stuck with me for the day..." Taylor smirked against her lips.

"I'm still mad at you." Genevieve mumbled against her lips. Taylor slightly pulled away and smirked down at her, "Yet you had me spend the night..." she leaned down to Genevieve's lips. Her blue eyes staring into Genevieve's hazel one's. "...and you're making out with me instead of your boyfriend."

"Shut up." Genevieve mumbled and pulled Taylor back against her lips. Taylor's hands slowly slipped up Genevieve's shirt. Genevieve felt chills run down her back as Taylor's hands grazed her skin. Genevieve heard her phone buzzing and reached over to grab it. "Who is it?" Taylor asked. "Bryan. I have to take this." Genevieve answered and put the phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" Genevieve asked. "Genevieve what happened?" Bryan asked. "Long story..."Genevieve said as she glanced over at Taylor. "Ms. Clark says we aren't doing the play anymore and you got suspended. What did you do?" He asked. "It wasn't my fault. Someone..." Genevieve glared over at Taylor, "...decided to break in and ruin the costumes and now we can't do the play."

"It was Taylor and the stupid band geeks wasn't it?" He sighed. "Yes. So we got into a fight and got suspended."Genevieve explained. Taylor rolled her eyes and leaned in to kiss Genevieve's neck. "Stop." She mumbled. "What?" Bryan asked. "Nothing." Genevieve replied. "Do you want to hang out later?" Bryan asked. Taylor harshly nibbled and sucked on Genevieve's collarbone. Genevieve bit her lip and held back a moan. "I-I can't...I'm grounded."

"Well what about when you're back at school?" Bryan asked. Genevieve's mind was lost on the sensation of Taylor's lips on her neck to focus on anything else. "Genevieve?" Bryan asked. "Y-yeah. I have to go." She hung up and set her phone off to the side. Taylor slowly pulled away and smirked at the mark she left on Genevieve's collarbone.

Genevieve touched her neck and quickly got up to look in the mirror. She gasped as she saw the mark. "Are you fucking insane? My parents are going to see this and kill me!" Genevieve glared. Taylor shrugged. "I should leave more for your boyfriend to find." She smirked. "You're a bitch sometimes, you know that?" Genevieve said, annoyed.

Taylor rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah. Now are you going to come back here and kiss me or ramble on about how much you 'hate' me?" She asked. Genevieve climbed on and sat on Taylor's lap. "I do hate you." Genevieve replied. "I'm sure you do." Taylor whispered and drew Genevieve's lips into hers.

Genevieve lightly gripped onto Taylor's neck and kissed her lips with desperation. Taylor's hands lightly grasped Genevieve's hips and slowly moved her against her thigh. Genevieve softly moaned against Taylor's lips. She moved her hips against Taylor's thigh taking pleasure in the sensation. Taylor flipped Genevieve onto the bed and kissed along her neck.

"Come on...let me make you feel good..." Taylor whispered. Genevieve bit her lip and thought about it for a moment. Part of her really wanted to, but the other part of her was afraid. She'd never done anything like this before. "Not here..." Genevieve whispered.

Taylor made her way back up to Genevieve's lips. "Then come over to my place tonight." Taylor whispered. "My parents are gone for a few days on a business trip. We'll have the house to ourselves."

Genevieve hesitated for a moment. "What do you say?" Taylor asked. Genevieve stayed silent. "Don't tell me you're too chicken to go through with it." Taylor teased. Genevieve glared, "I am not."

Taylor smirked and stood up. "Then I'll come by to pick you up later?" She asked. "Fine." Genevieve shrugged. "You'll have to pick me up around the corner."

"Fine." Taylor shrugged. "I'll see you later then. I have some things I need to do before tonight." She slipped on her shoes. "What do you need to do?" Genevieve asked. Taylor leaned down and kissed Genevieve. She slowly pulled away and smiled, "Can't tell you. I'll call you when I get here." She made her way over to the window and climbed out and gave Genevieve a slight smirk before walking off.

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